Chapter 42

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Lena POV

"WHAT IN RAO'S NAME IS GOING ON?" I hear Kara yell. I wipe my eyes. I have to see what is going on. Kara never loses it like this. I get to the doorway. I take a deep breathe and count to 3. It helps centre me sometimes. I walk into the lounge room. Casey is half laying half sitting on the ground. Pulling shards of glass out of his hair. My new coffee table is smashed. I look at Kara who is scalding the kids. She has the Mum thing down pat. I start laughing. We have basically indestructible kids and she is yelling at them like they are human kids who could have gotten hurt. Why yell at them? They are fine. I have plenty of money to replace the things they break.
"Lena this isn't funny! Casey could have been hurt!" Kara snaps at me. This in turn, makes me laugh harder.
"How would glass hurt them? THEY ARE KRYPTONIAN!" I laughed out. Kara is standing there in the middle of the room with a stunned look on her face. Suddenly she starts laughing too. The teenagers look at us lien we lost it.
"Sorry babe. I forgot!" She laugh. It's music to my ears.
"It is so amazing to watch you be so protective of them" I say to her walking over to Casey to check over him.
Kara looked so flustered and adorable.
"So do one of you kids want to tell me what happened?" I ask sternly. Ruby quickly pipes up and says
"Sam and Casey got into a fight. Sam said we shouldn't be here. She said." Ruby stops for a minute. A tear slowly slides down her cheek.
"She said our mums are dead. That you don't have your powers. Casey said we have to help, it's what our mums would have wanted. Then they started to fight! I just miss my mums!!" Ruby stuttered out. My heart broke for the girl. I race over wrapping my arms around her. I gently rub her back as she starts crying in my arms.
"Baby, I know I'm not your mum, but I will do anything for you." I whisper to her. Kara finally snapped.
"Sam and Casey clean this up. Now!" She yelled at the two teenagers.
"Babe you need to control your temper! The are kids for rao's sake!" I say to her, still holding ruby.
"I got to go babe. I'll be home later." Kara says. She looked so broken. She flies out the window and is gone as quickly as she came. I sigh. I hope she is going to be ok.

Thanks for all your reads guys and girls! That song is literally how my life is going atm. So if I don't post for awhile it's ok. My wife and I are having some work problems atm and I'm way to home sick. Everyone stay safe and be happy

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