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Going back to the Jordan's of the world, they all will tell you, no matter how good your individual skills are, the right team is the key, to phenomenal success. In fact, many average players, on teams with great players, will tell you that they benefited immensely from just being around them. So whether you are a marquee player, or just average, there are mutual benefits to teamwork.

Okay. So job one is to get a marquee player. Now I know that you might be tempted to think that you are that individual, but I'm guessing you're not, otherwise, why the fuck would you be reading this book! So, you're not the star on the team, but don't fret. Uneasy is the head that wears the crown. Unlike what Mel Brooks told us in "History of the World", while it is good to be the king, it is far better to be a close associate of the king, especially one that knows all the king's secrets.

What makes a good marquee player? At the top of that list is physical attributes. Whether we like to admit it or not, evolution dictates that we are slaves to physical attractiveness. Attractive people make more money than uglier people, so don't be surprised that they also get more tail. Other attributes of Marquee players range from confidence, a sense of humour, and a gregarious personality. In short, a marquee player should possess attributes and skills that increase the sheer number of prey available to the group.

Ideally the pack size should be four, can not be less than three, and should not be more than five. Four is best because apart from the marquee player, it could be countered with a weak player, and in the middle, two stealth players, one of which is really the leader. Like any good team, it should comprise players of different capabilities and skills. I know what you are thinking, but why would I want to tag on to a weak player? Well the answer is simple.

One, there is the sympathy factor. Some women like bastard cases, and two, he provides much needed contrast. Women know this tactic all too well; this is why most attractive women have an "ugly" friend. Hollywood does it as well; it is called the "B" Movie. The distance between a 7 and an 8 is 1, but the distance between a 3 and a 7 is 4.

Team assembled, time to go hunting. Not so fast. There is one critical factor I deliberately left out. It is called the "as much to lose" factor. That's right; every member of the team must have as much to lose as the other. So if the shit hits the fan, this way, everyone stays in line, and there are no midnight cathartic confessions, to wives and girlfriends, by one team member, which translates to serious concerns for the other members.

Now the reason I say it is serious concerns, and nothing greater, is because there are tactics you can use to protect yourself, but this will be discussed in a later segment.

The other critical factor of the group dynamic, is that every member must be focused on the prize. New pussy is your goal, not a new wife, new girlfriend, or some kind of sustained relationship.

So now that you have your team, I believe we can move on to the prize - The Outside Woman.

The outside woman, other woman, piece on the side, horner woman, whatever you call her; is essentially a woman outside the realm of your stable productive relationship. For our purposes she will be referred to as the Outside Woman, or OW. ,and just like the phonics implies, she has the ability to cause you pain. But pain and pleasure are so intimately related, that even the most upright man. is sometimes lured by the flame.

Before we go on I would like to present you with the Outside Woman's Declaration of Rights.

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