Chapter 10~ why my mother hated me~

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   A/N hey mates and new mates! Welcome to a new chapter on this story! Just so you know most of the OCs in this story are not mine. There are some OCs that are mine, buttttt I'll tell you which ones are mine. Ok sooo these are "Rosyclozy's" OCs. These characters are from her hit series "the music freaks." Dont get mad at me or rage at me in the comments, just because you dont like the ships or something like that. Now that I kinda cleared the air a little bit, sit back and relax and enjoy the chapter! Popcorn? 🍿

      Why my mother hates me, you may ask? Huh, funny question...I dont even know. My name is Alexander...but I really hate my name! You may ask.."why do you hate your name?" Well because my older cousins always bullied me, for my name! They always called me "Alexander Hamilton". I mean who the hell is that!?

  I never knew who this "Alexander Hamilton" was until I did my research, and found out it was a musical or something.  So to avoid that I just told people to call me Zander.

   I wish my mother actually liked me father on the other hand. He was my hero! I mean in my eyes he was like my superman! I just wish he was home enough for us to spend time together...

  My mother gave me this weird nickname. No it wasn't a normal kinda nickname like "Alex" or "Zander". The nickname she gave me was "goon". I have no idea why she gave me that nickname but she always called me it.

  I always hated it when she called me it. But she never stopped. Soon I started calling other people by the nickname my mother gave me. I mean you should know that I call Henry and Jake that all the time. But hey the deserve it! Explally now.... I hate them know! I cant believe they would actually bully me and my stepsister!

  I knew the were dicks but I never knew they would actually become one! It's because of those friends they hang out with. What's there names oh, yeah. Drew,Laim,Lia,and Zoey. Zoey gots to be the most annoying person I ever meet. Lia never knows when to stop texting on her stupid phone of hers. Drew is just so stupid richy rich. And Liam is a complete weirdo! I mean he literally said Stacy's mom has got it going on! Well I mean there is a song called "Stacy's mom".


    A/N this is the song I'm talking about. You could listen to if you want. To bad the person who sang this song died of Covid-19. RIP ✊

    Anyway, why would Henry and Jake hang out with those people!? IT'S NOT LIKE I CARE OR MISS THEM OR ANYTHING! It's just why? I really hate to say this but..there good people..even after what they done to me. There just surrounding themselves with toxic people. I-I dont want them to get hurt! *sigh* I'm worried for them.

                      Zander's POV

   I lay in my bed looking towards the ceiling. Thinking about my so called "friends" Henry and Jake. Jake joined the music club today, which I hate to say but I'm glad he did. He got away from those toxic friends of his, besides Henry. Is-Is strange to think Jake is a little cute? I mean I know a couple of girls who like him...but. Ugh what am I saying! He-He's just a stupid goon!

  I roll over on the side of my bed. Butterflies in my stomach and really red. Just thinking about that idiot just gets me butterflys! But no dont ho saying! "OHHHHHHHH ZaNdEr HaS a CrUsH oN JaKe OHHHHHHH!" First off no I dont have a crush on Jake. -ew- and secondly why the hell am I talking to myself in my head!? You know what nevermind!

  I look back at the ceiling and started to drift off to sleep. My eyelets and I go to sleep...


Time skip
The next morning


   I hear my alarm clock and shut it off. 'Why did I put it on? It's freaking Saturday!' I though while getting up. I get up and use the bathroom. I go to my sister's room and see her asleep. I smile, then I walk off. I get ready and go down stairs and I dont see my mom. (His stepmom) strange. Oh well I guess no breakfast for me. I walk out the door to see a lot of neberhood kids playing.

  You might think that a guy like me doesn't really like kids or not really good with them. Nope! I absolutely adore kids, and I'm really good with them. I walk to the city park and I go in the pipe hole thingy. I walk up the tiny trail and I sit down behind the tree. I sigh of finally getting some peace on quiet.

   I start reading though the book when I hear walking. I got confused because no one knows where this is. Besides Jake and Henry, but they probably forgot by now. I mean this is where we meet when we were kids. I look to see who it was but I couldn't see who it was. Suddenly someone yells. "BOO!" I screamed "AHHHHHH!" I probably woke up the whole neberhood in the process.

   But I wasn't Jake or Henry. It was Hailey? "H-hailey? What are you doing here?" I said standing up. "Well o followed you dork!" She giggled, as I gave her a confused look. "I thought you were asleep?" I said titling my head. "No I was awake so I decided to follow you!" She smiled and sat down.

  I sat down next to her. "So why did you follow me?" She looked over. "Well there is one thing I need to tell you..." she said. She trued her whole body around to look at me. "I just wanted to talk about Jake..." Ugh Jake. "Y-you need to give him a chance.., didn't you always say everyone deserves a second chance?" She said looking away.

  "Omg! Hailey that was a long time ago! I dont believe in that crap no more.." I said looking away. Hailey looks back at me. "Please Zander...for me?" I look towards her. Should I just give Jake a second chance just to make Hailey happy? I sigh, and said. "F-fine..but only for you-". Hailey gave me a big hug. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!"  I smiled at her and hugged her back.

"Do you wanna get ice cream?" "Yeah sure!" "Race ya there" "you bet!" "Hey no fair, you got a head start!"

  A/N Hey guys! Thank you for reading this chapter for today! I had a lot of fun making this. I'll try to at least work on my books I'm reading every day. I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as possible! Also go check on my music freaks oneshot book, and my amazing world of gumball book! I hope you will like those books as well. Ok have a good day mates, and bye!


Word count: 1,217

A spectacular musical (A Rosyclozy fan Fiction) |Jander|Where stories live. Discover now