Chapter 15~ "Sean I-I love you...."

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A/N Hey mates and new mates! Welcome to a new chapter today. Just so you know most of these OCs are not mine! They belong to "Rosyclozy". I do have my own OCs in here but I'll tell you which ones are mine. These characters are from her hit series "The music freaks". Don't get mad or rage at me in the comments just because you dont like the ships. If you dont support or hate the LGBTQ+ community then please leave. Now that I cleared the air, sit back and relax and enjoy the chapter! Popcorn? 🍿

                      Luke's POV

I've knew Sean for a long time now, even before I met Zander. Back then me and Sean weren't exactly friends but we both knew of each other's existence. After Middle school Sean joined the band and it was after a year that I started having butterflys around him...Yeah I know it's weird and it's a sin but let me sin in peace!

I told Zander about it and that's when I learned Zander had feelings for me. I was of course shocked at first but I told him nicely I didn't feel the same. Luckily he didn't cry or anything but for sure he was sad. I felt bad for him but I hope he finds the one who loves him and that he loves.

I never told anyone about my little secret besides Zander, but I would die if anyone found out. As I was thinking of this I was at a coffee shop. My dad got me a job at this corner coffee shop where he used to always come to in high school. The owner knew my dad so that's how I got a job. Yopie! I handed people their coffees as they rushed to work, it was a Saturday so I had to work here all day.

Someone walked into the store I didn't see who it was sence, I had my back faced towards them. I was suprised of who the person was. "S-Sean?" He looked up with a suprised look. "Luke? You work here?" I nodded my head "yeah my dad got me this job. Would you like to order anything?" I asked he looked up at the menu. "Yeah can I have a coffee." He cheerfully asked I smiled in return.

"Sure coming right up!" I truned around and started making his coffee. I heard another person walk into the store. I finished Sean's coffee as I handed it to him. I blushed as we made eye contact for a quick second. "I'll see you on monday Luke!" Sean waved goodbye as he walked out the door. I blushed again as I waved him goodbye. He walked out as he turns a corner out of sight.

I look around the shop to see where that other person was. It was strange because there was no one there, well I thought no one was there. "Hey! Down here!" I heard a voice say. I jumped suprised to see a little boy.

The kid had messy curly hair, he had beautiful golden eyes. Like mine but his glowed more. He had soft carmen skin the kid looked young. He was probably 6-7. He had a brown backwards hat it looked like from the 80s. He had a really over sized yellow cardigan. "Hello!" The boy said smiling up at me. "Hey kiddo! What could I get you?"

He looked down he had green high tops and his shoes looked untied. "C-could you tie my shoes for me?" I chuckled "sure!" I walked around the counter and walked over to him. I bent down as I tried his shoes. After I was done I put my arma on my knee as I was now kneeling down at his level. "Hey kid what's your name." He smiled. "Darwin! My names Darwin!" He said cheerfull.

I looked around the shop for a moment. "What is it?" He asked I looked back at him I got a really good look at his face and noticed he had slightly freckles all over his cheeks. "Where are your parents? Aren't you a little to young to be out here by yourself?" I questioned he looked down.

"Mommy and daddy told me to stay at the corner. They told me they would be back, but they never did." I widened my eyes. "H-how long have you been out there?" I asked as my voice broke he thought for a moment. "Sence the night time." I was speechless I stood up of how shocked I was. He looked up "dont cry sir! I'm sure mommy and daddy will come back for me!" He said hugging me tightly. I realised I was crying.

Darwin looked up and smiled "you know that boy you just talked to? I saw the way you looked at him. I know that you love him. You think that he doesn't love you but really he loves you just as much as you love him. Dont lie to me....."

"You love him don't you?. . ."

My eyes widened H-how did he know this? "I-is this a joke because if it is it's not a very funny joke." I frowned looking down at him. "I'm not joking! I know how you feel! That's how mommy and daddy used to look at eachother! If you love him why dont you go tell him! You dont have forever you know!" I was completely speechless I couldn't believe a 6 or 7 year old is telling me to tell Sean I love him.

"You should do it today! Cause if you dont you never will! What if someone gets to you first! Go tell him how you feel! Life is too short to wait you need to get up and do it! Go on now! Go! Go!" He yelled I cant believe I'm actually doing this. But hes right I need to find him and tell him how I truly fell. I ran out the shop as I left Darwin alone in the shop.

I ran down the street until I stopped. 'Wait where am I going? I need to text him!' I thought I wiped out my phone as I started to text him.

Luke: hey could we meet at the park? There's something I need to tell you....

Sean: sure! I'll be there right away!

I smiled as I truned off my phone and put it in my pocket. I ran down the street until I was at the park. I walked for a while as I sat under a tree. Autumn. I always loved that season. It was just so beautiful the leaves were so colorful and pretty. I sat there for awhile when I heard someone next to me. It was Sean.

"Hey! So what did you want to tell me?" I looked down as I blushed in embarrassment. "U-uh sooo what I needed to tell is t-that I- uh-" I paused.


"Sean I-I love you...."

. . .

"I love you too...."


A/N Lol idk if this is a cliffhanger but if it is lol. Anyway hey again I'm back from the dead, not really. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter tho! Check out my other books if you want! I love you all soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
much, and have a good day/night/afternoon/morning/dawn/daybreak. And I'll see you all in the next one! Bye mates! (Its morning where I'm at so I need to go to school 😒🙄😔)

Word count: 1,290

A spectacular musical (A Rosyclozy fan Fiction) |Jander|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt