"Or how many girlfriends have you had ?"

"Are we really doing this ?" He asked carefully. Kevin wasn't the type to dwell on his past, he hardly ever did relationships. His focus was always on Jordan and Vinessa and his job , the rest was on his friends and coworkers after work.

"Just wanted to ask , we never really talked about stuff like that."

He took a deep breath before explaining the best way he could.

"I only dated two women in my life. One in high school , one a couple years back. The first one we dated for about two years but our lives were in different places. She's doing good now from what I heard. Got married , five kids , two dogs , bright white picket fence."

"And the second ?"

"She was a medical examiner." He told her with a small shrug as he looked around at the park that was fairly empty outside of people walking their dogs and some joggers. "Got a better job in a different city and left. We were already headed to the point we were breaking up so we called it quits. That's it."

She nodded , mumbling cool multiple times as he looked at her , small smile still gracing his lips. "So if you wondering , you have nothing to worry about but now I'm asking do I have any ex's to worry about ?"

"Nope." Jade spoke , shaking her head and popping the p. "Never had a boyfriend."

Her statement had caught him surprised. The way they were , it was natural and granted it wasn't a feeling they had with anyone before but for sure he knew she was with someone before him.

"Don't worry , I'm not a virgin." She jokingly warned. "I believe in fairytales. I believe that if I'm willing to be with someone , they have to be my other half."

"So I'm your prince charming ?" He smiled , leaning in to kiss her. Once their lips touched , she shoved him away lightly , mumbling for him to stop. Jade wasn't a big fan of PDA and she knew when she kissed him , she always wanted more. "My turn. What was your favorite 90's cartoon and you can't say Spongebob ?"

She turned her head slightly as she thought about it. "I loved watching Rocko's Modern Life. And the Real Monsters. OOH! And I loved watching Pinky and the Brain."

Kevin looked at her before laughing. "I would never expect you out of all people to watch that stuff. Those shows were dark."

"Let me guess. You probably watched the X-Men , Batman and the Gargoyles ?"

"Yeah I did, how did you know ?"

She sent him a small glare before feeding him another grape, slowly falling into the rhythm with each other , ignoring the world around them as they talked. That was their love language , it was the thing , it was their thing.

They were both glad to have that.

Kimberly Burgess's workout Nikes hit the pavement as she jogged through the local park down the street from her neighborhood. She had left Adam Ruzek knocked out sleep in her bed from his drunken night before at Molly's. The purple long sleeve jacket had blended to her black leggings that stopped mid calf. Her ponytail swung behind her as Little Mix's pop anthem Power played through her headphones that was connected to her apple watch.

She smiled softly at a regular before continuing her jog around the park before she turned around to go home. Then her eyes went to a couple that was sitting on a baby blue blanket. The woman threw her head back with a laugh while the man shook softly , obviously laughing at her. Kim had to admit the woman was drop dead gorgeous but that wasn't the surprising part.

The surprising part was seeing Kevin Atwater with her.

The revelation had shook her so hard to the point , she had stopped with wide eyes. Careful to not make a scene , she kept jogging. But she wanted to say something, she couldn't believe Kevin was with someone , someone for real this time.

Love Lies \\ Kevin Atwater (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now