Little Baby Boy

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"!" Adora said as she took her hands away from her wife's eyes and watched as they teared up, " bought us the house?" She shakily said as her hand ran along the wood of the front door. Adora slinked an arm around her wife's waist and nuzzled into her hair lovingly before giving Catra the key. "Under your name too." Catra stood on her tippy toes to kiss her wife before opening the door and looking around in awe. "As much as I would like to explore this beautiful house I really really want to get clean. I haven't taken a shower since we went to the infirmary and I feel gross. Hold our baby boy while I shower okay?" Adora nodded and watched as her Magicat wife scurried off in search of the bathroom. "Just me and you little baby." Adora said, turning to her son in her arms as she sat the groceries on the counter.
     Catra leaned on the wall as she watched her wife and her son, "Say- mommy. Mom-e." She smiled down at her child and sounded it out for him but Finn just cooed and reached out for her face. "Babe, he's too young to talk." Catra laughed as she pressed a kiss to the blonde's temple and began to put away their groceries. "When will his ears unfold?" Adora asked, not taking her eyes off of her son as she leaned down to let him grab at her cheeks and nose. "Soon enough, I don't even remember when my ears unfolded." Her tail flicked as she leaned down to put the milk in the fridge, gasping in pain. "Hun, I know you want to flaunt how strong you are but you should really really rest. Especially since you just gave birth a few weeks ago." Catra looked up at her wife with her hands on her hips. "I'm okay Adora, most women feel better after 6-8 weeks after delivery." Catra defended before going to put away the rest of their food but was stopped by Adora. "Please, for me?" Catra rolled her eyes and closed the fridge door before following Adora back into the living room to spend time with their son. "I want to set some ground rules before we really get into parenthood okay?" Catra didn't wait for Adora to respond, "No swearing, no bad influences (such as alcohol, smoking, etc), no inappropriate topics, no dangerous activity, no yelling, etc. okay?" Adora slowly nodded before going to grab her son but was stopped by Catra with a warning hiss. After realizing what she did she looked away, "Sorry I'm just..protective." Adora smiled before giving her a kiss. "I understand, looks like he's already asleep." Adora cooed as Catra adjusted him in her arms before standing up, "Show me where his room is." Adora quickly nodded and stood up with her before leading her into a small room with children's decorations and a crib with hanging pieces above it. Catra placed her son in the crib carefully so she wouldn't wake him and pulled a baby blanket with cats as the pattern over him. "Really? Cats?" Adora held in a snicker before they each gave him a gentle kiss and left. "I'm so tired, all I want to do is cuddle and nap." Catra groaned as Adora showed her to their room, "With you of course." She quietly added but made sure Adora heard her anyway. "I wish Melog could see him." Catra sighed as she crawled into bed with Adora and laid her head on her chest. "Yeah me too, it sucks they had to go but they wanted to fix their planet." Catra didn't answer, she was already dozing off. "You have the first turn for when he starts crying." Catra mumbled and finally let sleep wash her away.
Catra woke up to the crying first and figured that she would go ahead and tend to her child. She looked into the crib before carefully picking up her son and bouncing him on her arm, "What's the matter little baby? Are you hungry?" She cooed as Finn just wailed and wailed. Adora walked in tiredly, "What..I thought I was.." she was hushed by Catra when the feline gave her the baby before taking off her shirt and taking Finn back into her arms. She adjusted the screaming baby before he calmed down while he breastfed. "I know I told you to do it but I was awake first and knew it would be shi-...rude of me to just go back asleep and ignore my baby." Adora tiredly smiled as she picked up the discarded shirt and draped it over her arm, "You can go back to bed, I'll take care of him." Catra said softly as she walked over and cupped her wife's cheek to which the blonde leaned into. "No, no it's fine really. You need sleep more than I do." Adora mumbled as she brushed her finger along Finn's cheek as he played with Catra's soft fur, bored. "His eyes are really beautiful." Catra blurted, her face red as she avoided eye contact with her wife who looked smug as hell right now. "Oh yeah? Wonder who he got that from." They both laughed before deciding to put Finn back to bed, but as soon as he felt the sheets he began to scream and squirm. "I think he wants to spend the night with us." Adora stated the obvious to which Catra's tail flicked in thought before pulling him back into her arms to go back to bed. "We could squash him!" Adora protested as they entered the room, "Adora stars so help me if you roll over on my child I will divorce you." Catra warned as she placed baby Finn down on their bed. "But-" Catra shook her head and sighed, "Want to bring his crib in here then? Because I'm sure as hel-..I'm sure as ever that I'm not carrying it."
In conclusion Catra and Adora slept with Finn in his crib beside the bed and no more night disturbances awoke them.

A/N: h this chapter was quite lazy, I think I'll update other stories instead. I think this story is so fluffy and soft that every time I start writing it I get tired 😂 hope you enjoyed! It's time for Catradora to learn how to parent a childhood!

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