A Bump in the Road

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Catra was 4 months along now and the doctor said they should start to feel movements soon. This is called "quickening" and Adora couldn't be more excited while Catra silently dreaded it. Catra had become more and more depressed during her pregnancy and she couldn't help it, Adora was there for her every step of the way. Adora would stay up late rubbing her back and letting her eat all the ice cream they owned in the house. Adora would listen to her problems and take her to her therapy sessions with Perfuma, Catra was slowly but surely getting better. Now Adora is seated on the couch with Catra next to her, but not without Adora's hand on her stomach. For the past couple of days Adora couldn't keep her hands off of the growing baby bump that Catra had, though she didn't mind this very much. "Hey, you okay?" Adora asked as she looked towards a very upset looking Catra. The feline just scooted closer to Adora, "What if I'm a bad mom? I'm still not over what happened to us and- and.." Catra's worries slowly faded away as Adora gripped her hand and stroked behind her ear. "You'll be an amazing mom, besides you're going to Perfuma's therapy sessions right?" Catra nodded into the abdomen of Adora as more purrs erupted from her.
"What? You're crazy that's not how it happened!" Catra scoffed as Adora lied about the story of the heart to the kids, trying to make herself look better playfully. "You're the crazy one! I have an amazing memory!" Catra stuck her tongue out before deciding to trick her wife, "Okay if you have such a great memory then what happened yesterday?" Adora tapped her chin in thought as the kids watched with big curious eyes. The blonde smirked, "Your birthday!" Catra threw her head back in laughter which prompted the kids to do the same, "Dummy, my birthday isn't for awhile and if you had such a great memory you would know nothing important happened yesterday!" Adora frowned, "You tricked me!" Catra purred as she pressed a kiss to the blonde's big forehead, "Have you forgotten that I am a trickster?" Adora furrowed her eyebrows as the kids kept giggling and laughing. Parents soon came to collect their children to go home and now it was just Adora and Catra left at the fountain in the plaza. "It's nice out here," Adora stated as they twined fingers, Catra resting her head on Adora's shoulder and hummed in agreement. "It is nice. But not as nice as being out here with you." Adora put on that shit eating grin, "Awh you like me? That must be so embarrassing for you!" Catra just rolled her eyes, "You really do know how to ruin a great moment." Adora chucked, "I'm sorry I'll stop." She promised before adding a cheesy, "Anything for my darling wife." To which Catra blushed and smacked her arm for. They sat there for awhile before Adora felt Catra stiffen all of the sudden, "What? What happened?" Adora asked as she took her head off of her wife's shoulder. Catra brought her hands to her mouth and her tail tip flicked back and forth as she turned to the blonde, "I felt a kick!" She said with emotions raw in her tone. Adora's jaw went slack before her hands gently grabbed the bump to feel for another movement, "I don't feel anything! Are you lying?" Adora whined as she looked up at Catra with those big puppy eyes. "Why would I lie?" Catra sighed as she placed her hand on top of Adora's, her thumb running across the knuckles gently. "Maybe we'll feel our baby again soon." Catra mumbled as Adora spoke to her baby bump with a sweet tone that made Catra's heart melt. Our baby.. a smile spread across her face before standing and holding out her hand, "Lets go home?" She asked and her face lit up when Adora took her hand and began to walk home with her.
"I still feel like you're lying about the movement." Adora accused to which Catra rolled her eyes as she began to scavenge for ingredients to cook with, it was late at night so the kitchen was relatively empty. Adora sat on the counter and watched as she went on and on about Catra, being married, and their future. Catra hissed when she moved awkwardly which resulted in discomfort and Adora was by her side in the blink of an eye, "Don't push yourself okay? I can help." Adora insisted as she rubbed the growing baby bump. Catra smiled weakly and nodded, "I just want to make us something since we didn't eat much of dinner. I'll be more careful." Adora placed a kiss to her temple and got what Catra was reaching for, placing it on the stove. As Catra was cooking her tail flicked from time to time by Adora's ankle affectionately. Though Adora, being the dumb idiot she is, didn't really understand what it meant and Catra was okay with that. A sigh slipped from out between her lips, "I'm really really really scared about being a mother." She admitted as she began to prod the cooking food with a spatula, Adora just stared before Catra continued, "I mean I still get horrible nightmares and I don't ever want to expose our little kitten to that. I wouldn't want to snap at them on my bad days or..or..b-become like Shadow Weaver." Not even realizing Adora got down from the counter, Catra was embraced in a warm hug from behind. Large hands sat on her bump with care and a chin rested on her shoulder while the blonde hair tickled the back of her neck. "Catra..I'm nervous too! Parent hood is going to be messy, it's going to be hard, it's going to be a one in a lifetime experience for the both of us. I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else." Adora murmured into her ear softly. Catra felt wetness on her cheek and bringing a hand up she realized she was crying. A low and shaky purr rumbled in her chest as she lean back into Adora's embrace before whispering, "I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else either."

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