I bite down a smile, backing out of the room and closing the door. I turn at me heel and collide into someone. I look up, knowing exactly who it is.

"Hans." I giggle.

"What is it?" He asks with false innocence, as he knew exactly what he'd done.

I roll my eyes playfully. He smiles, wrapping me in a quick hug before taking my right hand in his left. We walk hand in hand towards the library's balcony. I open one of the French doors, twisting the handle down. I walk out as Hans closes the door behind us. My eyes scan over Arendelle, halting at the North Mountain. I feel him put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"She's not a threat, Elsa. Besides, you're stronger than her." He whispers, knowing exactly what was wrong.

"What if I'm not?" I speak quickly.

"We both know love is stronger than hate." Hans replies, leaning on the railing next to me.

"Love is also a weakness. What if she goes after Anna? What if she goes after you?" I pause. "Hans, I'd never forgive myself if she hurt you." I whimper, cupping my hands and pressing them against my forehead as my elbows lean on the railing. "I don't even know who she is." I add, clueless. "How is a sorceress created from hate? I can't just create other magical beings like her with my magic." I rant quietly, unsure of who she is and what she wants.

"Hey..." He whispers, putting his hand under my chin and raising it so I was looking at him. "We're all going to be fine. I promise." He assures, looking into my eyes with a reassuring smile.

He leans in for a kiss and I take it. I trust him. I believe him. I believe him with all my heart... and I love him. Beyond the stars.


        Hans sits next to me, on his throne, and I sit in mine. Anna stands next to me, and Kristoff stands next to her. My son, Nikolaus, stands next to Hans' throne with his dark hair and his green eyes staring at us as a smile is spread across his face.

I rise from the magnificent throne, Hans follows a second later. I inhale, closing my eyes and then reopening them as I exhale. I stare at my subjects; who all stand before us with expectant eyes. I turn at my heel and walk behind the thrones. I stand between them. I look down at the cradle holding one of dearest things to my heart. My daughter reaches her hands up towards me with a coo. Her face is painted with a wide smile. I take her up in my arms lovingly.

          I walk back around the thrones, now standing in front of them. Hans moves up next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist. He gently lays the other hand over our daughter's head, causing her to giggle and look up at her father. I smile as we look at each other. He turns to face Arendelle's subjects.

          "May we present..." He pauses to smile. "Princess Elisabeth of Arendelle." He projects his voice as his head is held high with pride.

          The kingdom cheers and claps. I bite down a smile. Hans looks at me and I look at him. He gives me kiss on my forehead. Elisabeth moves around happily, stretching her arms up to my neck.

          Later, after the actual presentation, the celebration is at a high. People dance, eat, and sing. Hans turns towards me, holding out a hand.

          "What?" I laugh.

          "I'm offering my beautiful queen a dance." He explains with a smile.

          "How could your queen say no?" I reply.

          I watch Rapunzel walk over just on time.

          "Can I hold the princess?" She muses, holding out her hands excitedly.

"Of course." I reply, handing Elisabeth to her.

Hans whirls me away not a minutes later onto the dance floor. We dance among everyone, enjoying the celebration. My eyes catch Nikolaus awkwardly dancing with Anna. I laugh and Hans looks at me curiously.

"Look at your son." I giggle, pointing towards Nikolaus and Anna.

He laughs as well. We dance our way over to them. I kiss Hans' cheek before gently pulling my hands to my side. I walk behind Nikolaus and tap his shoulder. He turns around with surprise.

"Will you dance with me, Prince Nikolaus?" I request, curtsying.

"Of course." He smiles.

Hans smiles in amusement, as well as Anna. Eventually, Rapunzel (who is still holding Elisabeth), Eugene, Kristoff, and Emma join us on the ball room floor. Then, before anyone can react, a blast of ice strikes towards us. Luckily, no one is injured. I know exactly who it is.

The mysterious sorceress approaches us with a grin. I feel so stupid. I had completely forgotten about her since my marriage, which was nine years ago. I give her a glare. I watch Rapunzel tighten her arms around Elisabeth, knowing I am not able to take her right now.

"You don't belong here." I warn.

She grins wider. "Oh Elsa..." she pauses to laugh. "...I belong where ever I feel like I belong." She says with monotone. "I've been waiting a very, very long time to see this day." 

She walks closer to us. I ready myself to attack her.

"Don't waste your time." She tells me, rolling her eyes.

She walks over to Elisabeth. I begin to walk over to her, afraid she is going to do something.

"I just want to give a gift to your daughter." She muses, twisting her fingers as a ball of blue light forms.

"Stay away from her. We don't want your gifts." I hear Hans hiss.

"Fine then." The sorceress mutters with a frown.

She stays where she is, and quickly raises her hands up in the air as a pillar of magic shoots of.

"I place a curse upon Princess Elisabeth. The curse of..." She pauses to smirk at me.

I rush towards her, but she nods her head up, causing something to crash into me, which makes me collapse. I weakly look up, placing my hand on the ground to push myself up slightly.

"...fire." She sneers. "I place a curse of fire upon this child." She repeats.

Anna gasps as a red light leaves her body. She collapses into Kristoff's arms. The red lights swirls above Elisabeth before falling down, sinking into my daughter. A red light spirals in Elisabeth's eyes before they return to their original color.

"Leave my sister alone!" Nikolaus exclaims, rushing towards the sorceress.

I stand up as quickly as I can, despite the pain. I run my hand down, numbing the pain the best I can. She flicks her wrist and Nikolaus slips, falling to the floor.

"Good day, Queen Elsa." The sorceress sneers before disappearing. 


Sigh... that's it. Sorry it isn't much. So the song for this is Coming Home (I don't have a link for the video yet, but just so you know) and there is a picture of Elsa and Nikolaus to the right (or above if you're on the app) Thank you everyone, I really can't thank you enough. I also want to apologize for the major nine year time jump, and there is probably going to be another one really soon because I don't know how to fill it in. Like and comment what you thought about this chapter please, I love your feedback. Also, if you have any ideas, I'll be glad to take them into consideration.

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