Muhammad tightened his arm at her back, nudging her to snuggle more into his chest. He felt a sense of protection spark in him. The urge to shield Adeelah from anything bad, dawned on him.

"You're always safe here." He said in an earnest voice. Adeelah was so dear to someone he held so dear. He could protect that person with all his might and same way he could protect Adeelah. Even though the person he was doing all this for, had zero idea, Muhammad was certain he would love the surprise.

As odd as it sounded though, he was working based on facts, he had never seen the person in person but he virtually knew about him and he had seen his pictures. Muhammad knew all he was doing was crazy. It didn't make any sense. But he's just sure ElMustapha Kabo, even though they had never met, was his brother and he learnt that the customised name on his wrist watch 'Heer' was none's name other than Adeelah's.

That's it. Other reasons were in his diary. He hoped Adeelah would find it. He hoped to meet ElMustapha face to face one day.

But there's another person in the picture. Someone he doubted.

His name was Salisu. And he worked as Adeelah's chauffeur.

Adeelah shut her eyes. She didn't want to think of anything else, she just wanted to stay there, for as long as it would last. She would have let her thoughts wander to that same person her heart ached to have, but it would be too wrong. So she focused on being with Muhammad. He wasn't that bad anyway. Somehow she put it in her mind that Muhammad too wasn't there to stay long. She's mindedly prepared. Her life had been a dice, it could roll to one or six. Either way, wasn't a loss.

But she's careful. Extremely.

She had never felt so close to him till this days. Even so, she still remind herself that he could be aloof sometimes. So distant and unfriendly. Despite that, he's not austere man. He's only kind to her for his own reasons. That's all.

Muhammad patted her back. "Don't you worry, i am here whenever you need me."

Adeelah was being puritanical to her heart. She didn't want to fall in a situation she can't handle. So she put it in her mind that, whatever he would say, she wouldn't allow it get to her.

She would first of all try to get to know him before any feeling got involved. She knew it's a hard task but she would try her best. This time around, she wouldn't let her heart mislead her. She would carry her compass brain all along the journey. Unless the brain decided to betray her, then she would be left with none option.

Adeelah was thinking of how to set those boundaries when sleep stole her away. If she had control over it, she would have stopped herself from sleeping on his chest. Even though he's her husband.

Muhammad stared at her innocent face, sleeping like a baby. As much as he wanted to look away, he couldn't. After catching himself smilinfor the fifth time, he decided to just take her to bed. He gently adjusted Adeelah and took her on his arm. As began to march to her room, he heard as if she's saying something even though he was sure she's deep asleep.

"No dear heart! You can't love him until you fully know him! Until you what? Fully know him!" Adeelah slurred.

As unreal as it sounded, Muhammad couldn't help but release his stifled laughter. Immediately he tucked her in the bed and faltered out, he busted.

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