
Hidaya sighed heavily after she had finished crying her eyes out in the bathroom. This morning Ameer transferred some money to her account. He said she should use it to treat herself like the queen she was. She knew it was because he wanted to marry Adeelah. By Allah she's trying her best to push her jealousy down to the pit of her stomach so it wouldn't stop in her throat and stop her from breathing well.

Over the months without Ameer, she had understood and learned alot of lessons. She enrolled herself in an islamic school, since then her life changed. She had learnt on how to be an exemplary woman with extraordinary kindness at heart. She aspired to be a mar'atus saliha such that once Ameer looks at her, he would he happy. When he instruct her she would obey and he's absent she would guard herself for him. She had learnt to appreciate whatever she had, for when one becomes grateful he would be rewarded in folds. Patience was another thing she was trying to administer into her life.

She had make mistakes in her marriage before but now she's ready to rectify every mess. And since Ameer told her he wanted to marry Adeelah, she couldn't say no. Mama wanted to take her to someone that would stop Ameer from marrying Adeelah but Hidaya said no. It's all forbidden. Why would she risk her jannah for that? She would rather be killed with jealousy than to visit any man in the name of help.

When she wiped her face, she walked out with a smile.

"Hidaya queen of all queens." Ameer praised. Hidaya smiled. She didn't know why he had been extra kind since she came back. Maybe he's too exhilarated because he's soon getting married to another woman. All the jitters were about Adeelah, she knew. The thought alone brought tears to her eyes but she blinked them away.

"Thank you so much for the money you sent."

"The pleasure is all mine Hidayati." And he opened his arms for her. She rushed for the hug, saying in her mind that in few weeks to come she would have to share it with another woman. Cocooned in his arms, she wanted to cry but she stayed srong. No wonder the reward of patience was large. Because being patient in that situation demanded every cell of her being to be cooperative. She was doing everything to remain calm. Sometimes she felt like shouting, like slapping him, like just going back home. But of what benefit? She preferred to stay. May her reward be with Allah.

Allah is watching and she knew she wouldn't forsake her. For, at this point she had relied on Him. Whole and submissively.

"The wedding is in three weeks."

Something rose to her chest, screaming to her that she's of no importance to Ameer now. She's less of a woman since Ameer could love another woman. Yet, she pushed it downhill.

"May Allah shower his blessings on the union." As much as she acted brave. A cry that broke Ameer's heart escaped her lips. And she went on and on.


Adeelah lost her smile.

She didn't know how it happened but nothing makes her happy as it should. When a joke was cracked, she would just let out a dry laughter and leave. Now as she sat and Ameer was telling her that her lefe would be brought in two weeks time she just couldn't be happy. He told her that Abba said he should keep it lowkey but he opposed that.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Ameer asked.

"I am fine. Excuse me." And she disappeared into the house. Ameer sat there baffled. He couldn't believe what just happened but anyway he's in love and that little act wouldn't touch him. Maybe she's in a bad mood that day. Maybe she's sick. He could never tell. He didn't know much about her and he thought it wasn't a thing. He will get to know her after the marriage. For now, He would continue to manage how she had been acting.

When he was about to leave, Adeelah came back.

"I actually had to fetch something. And okay i want to make something clear. I am not going to share a house with your wife. And hello, what? I am not going to meet her till i desired so." Adeelah spoke with a frown. Ameer should know that. If that would take him to say no and cancel the whole wedding, she didn't care.

Ameer ran his hand over his face.

"We should have talked about this since Adeelah. I thought you're all okay by the arrangement, i told you before have you forgotten?"

Adeelah blinked her face. She couldn't remember. Sometimes when he's talking to her she zone out. It was against her wish and she couldn't help it. Whe found herself counting strands of pillowcase. Other days while she's quiet she would begin to wonder how on earth did someone came with the idea of making couscous a food.

"Okay is it a crime to change my mind? Look, this whole thing isn't much interesting to me. If you think you will cancel it that's on you. I don't care. So, please you're welcome." Ameer raised his head and looked at her twice. Was she for real? Saying all these with no fear.

"I will talk with Abba. Your wish is my command." Ameer smiled at her. Somehow he loved Adeelah's father so much that he felt like running to him for an advice everyday.

Adeelah smiled. "Abba is always on my side. Goodluck. And please, that woman in your house, my regards to her." She didn't wait to hear what he had to say when she left. By Allah she didn't know what's wrong with her. Maybe she should try one of her brothers. Ammar was who she thought would be of help.

Instead of going to her room, she angled to Ammar's room. She had knocked for a minute straight but he didn't open. She felt anger rising so she just pushed the door and went in.

"Ammar was on his bed, deep in thought."

Adeelah smirked.

"Hey mister!" She clapped and he quickly sat down.

"What's this Adeelah? What if you barged in when i was changing. Quite unfair."

Adeelah laughed while she looked at him. He's the only one that looked exactly like Abba. He didn't resemble their mother at all.

"I wouldn't mind. By the way you're so deep in thought. Care to share?"

Ammar sat up. There's nothing to hide.

"My girlfriend Adeelah. I found out she's older and a street woman. Yesterday she called to tell me. She said she's repented and has sold her house and gave out the money for charity. She said she's left for her hometown. Wallahi she told me so many dark things about her in a text. At last she mentioned Abba's name. That if i am willing to know her better and know myself better i should talk to him."

Adeelah laughed. "And you're worried? For what? When you know quite well that the street women are dangerous. They can go to any length to tarnish one's image. Don't even start thinking of dragging Abba into her messy life. She just maybe liked you and you didn't give in to her wish then she decided to leave you with a tint. Doesn't it add up?" Ammar nodded. He remembered how he felt after she served him water that day. Maybe Adeelah was right.

He smacked his hand on Adeelah's arm. "You're charging up there. Cheers!" He laughed. They talked for a while but even after Adeelah left his room, he couldn't stop thinking.


Adeelah's lefe was excellent. Family members kept talking and talking till Adeelah became bored. Ameer tried honestly.

Two days to the wedding, she decided to see Abba for some important talks.

Just when she pushed the door she heard him on call.

"Are you crazy Beebo? I can't marry you after i knew all your mess. Beebo what do you want?"

Adeelah didn't know what the other woman said but she saw her father hike up as if he suddenly saw a snake.

"Ameer is Rahama's son? Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un." Adeelah gently closed the door and ran to her room with her heart racing. What did she just hear? She heaved a sigh. Maybe it's a threat. But her father obviously knew that Rahama.

What's going on?

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