"I nominate Rachel." Mercedes interrupted.

"Second." Kurt agreed.

"All right, let's vote up in this piece." Puck chimed in. "I gotta go hit the gym and load up the Guns of Puckerone for the football picture."

They handed out the pieces of paper, and they got on writing the names onto the paper.

Tina nudged Darcey, who somehow ended up beside her, but was ignored to begin with.

"Have you got a pencil?" Tina asked her, quietly, sighing. Darcey handed her a pencil, without looking up from the paper she was folding up.

"You can't ignore me forever." Tina reminded her. At that moment, Mr Schuester walked up to them, and they handed him their pieces of paper.

Darcey ignored Tina again, and focused on looking directly in front of her, even though she knew that Tina was looking at her.

"Looks like everybody voted for Rachel. Including Rachel." Mr Schue announced. "But we need two captains, guys."

"Why two?" Quinn asked. "We're fine with having Rachel represent us in the Thunderclap by herself." 

"We'd actually prefer it." Kurt added.


The New Directions all sat in the choir room, as Rachel stood in front of them, after taking the photo for the Thunderclap.

"Okay, look, I realize now that all of you think that glee club is just a joke." Rachel began. "Okay and you're convinced that we can't win, and you're content to just sit idle by until Figgins cancels the club. Well, I'm about to present to you a rare opportunity. The opportunity to become stars." 

"How?" Quinn asked.

"We've all been cast in a local commercial." Rachel announced, a proud smile on her face.

"Are you serious?" Finn questioned.

"Yes, Finn, and while all of you have been so concerned with your appearance in this school, I've landed glee club its first big break." She continued. "Simply put, making us all celebrities. Okay, and no one messes with celebrities or defaces their pictures." 

"What's the commercial?" Tina asked.

"Hold onto your hats, and get ready to sell... some mattresses!" Rachel exclaimed. And there was some distinct chatter from the group.


The Glee Club were all wearing matching blue pyjamas as they got ready to start filming the commercial.

"I can't believe we're finally breaking into the biz!" Tina exclaimed.

"Finally? We're all teenagers." Darcey responded, chuckling a bit, completely forgetting that she was supposed to be ignoring Tina. Tina met her eyes through the mirror, and sent her a warm smile.

"You guys, I want us to always remember this moment." Rachel chimed in. "Soon, there may be agents and managers and movie deals, but right now I want us to remember what it feels like to be here together as a team." 

"Whatever." Mercedes shrugged. "Soon as I get my record deal, I'm not speaking to any of you."

Mr Cusperberg and Dennis walked over to the group of teens.

"Okay, guys, we're very excited to have you here." Mr Cusperberg smiled at them. "We here at mattress land believe that mattresses aren't just for sleeping and fornicating anymore. We believe that buying an affordable mattress should be fun." 

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