"I missed you the last couple of days." Jade admitted to him softly before he looked down at her. "Work keeps you that busy ?"

"Yeah." He told her with a nod. "But good thing , I have tomorrow off so I spend it with you."

"Really ?"


She stared at him for a second before leaning up and kissing him softly. He smiled into the kiss , kissing her way harder than she expected. The kiss became heavier than expected as they smiled. His hands went to her waist , tugging her on top of his lap. Her hands went to the bottom of her sweatshirt , digging into the fabric , pulling it off. She kissed him again and he was trying to calm himself down but it was hard.

He found her completely irresistible , he couldn't resist her.

From her smile , her bright brown eyes , from her small curves , from all of it.

"Baby." He mumbled on her lips. He wanted to stop her , stop them from possibly making a mistake but he wanted to make it and so did she. It's better than to ask for forgiveness than for permission.

"Please." She whispered against his lips. She wanted him , she needed him. For the last two months since they met , they had been restraining themselves but she wanted him to lose control , every single inch of it.

"I need you. Now."


The two bedroom apartment had finally gotten quiet without their moans and groans of pleasure that finally died down. Being so busy , the two didn't realize the last snowfall was falling outside to have a finale before spring time emerged while the moonlight and the sunlight filtered through the blinds since it was early in the morning in Chicago. Light blue hue with a hint orange took over the room.

Kevin was laying on his back , the taupe colored sheet lowered to his abdomen while Jade laid beside him , the sheet up to her chest , barely covering her breasts that he had the pleasure to kiss on earlier. She cuddled up to his right side while their legs tangled together. His arm slide between her body and the sheets , underneath her body before his hand traced her spine in her bed.

Jade picked her head up with her left hand , holding her hand up as she loosely traced circles on his chest. Kevin looked at her.

"Something's on your mind." His statement was true. When she was deep in thoughts , subconsciously , she would be running circles with her fingers on any surface and her lips would frown slightly. "What is it ?"

"I had helped a man today-"

"Did he do something to you ?" His voice complete rough , anger forcing it's way through. The defensive nature made her smile , knowing that he wanted to protect from anything.

"No he didn't." She told him. "He wanted me to make a floral arrangement , he was very , very, particular about it. And he told me he was going to give it to his wife."

"I know your nosey ass asked questions. How long they been together ?"

"62 years and counting." Jade smile slightly before she started to frown again. "She died two years ago. Every year , on her birthday , he gets her those flowers. For the last two years , he gets the floral arrangement and he goes to her grave and sits down , talking to her like she never left."

Kevin could tell it took a toll on her to hear that. Being a cop , he was used to delivering bad news and receiving it but she wasn't. She was soft and compassionate and never stopped wearing a smile on her face, the words had gotten to her.

"But I don't want to talk about it anymore." She told him before her eyes lightened up. "Let's play a game."

"You know who else said that ?" He asked her and she looked at him confused. "Serial Killer Jigsaw."

Love Lies \\ Kevin Atwater (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now