Walking in the door to his student's hospital room, he saw that they were both talking in hushed whispers. "Hey."

They looked up at him and relief flooded into their features, though Iida looked a little guilty as he stood and bowed deeply. "Sensei. I apologize for my actions and will accept any punishment you see fit."

"Depends on the actions that you believe are worth punishing you over," Shouta said.

Iida straightened his back but kept his head down with his gaze on the floor. "I think it would be best if you sat down."

And just like that Iida explained the whole story from his perspective, and once he was done Todoroki explained his. Shouta was in shock, the mere thought that two of his students had come in contact with the Hero killer and not only survived but won.... it mortified him. He took a deep breath to calm himself but it didn't do much.

After a moment of holding his head in his hands he looked up at them. "I'm just glad that you're still with us. You two aren't off the hook, but for now, let me just be thankful that you're still alive."

"Sensei-," Todoroki started but Shouta cut him off.

"Are you sure you don't know where Izuku-kun is, though?"

"Izuku? You mean Midoriya-kun? After the medics put him in the ambulance we don't know. We asked the nurses and they said that he was here too, but wouldn't share his room number," Iida explained.

"Alright, well I'm gonna go check on him if that's okay with you," He stood time leave and was halfway out the door before Todoroki stopped him.

"Aizawa-sensei, wait. What is it with this boy? I know you already said that you don't know what happened to him, but how do you know so much about him?"

He looked at his student for a moment, not knowing what to do, before sighing deeply. "I found him when he was about eight, or more like he found me. He was abandoned by his parents and living out on the streets. I was coming back home with food and he followed me in hopes of getting some. Tsukauchi, the detective from before that had taken your statements on the USJ, he told me to take care of him until morning when he could come pick him up. That night Izuku disappeared."

Todoroki's eyes widened slightly in shock, "You didn't look for him?"

Shouta eyes narrowed, "Of course I looked for him. I looked everywhere. But after a while you learn that sometimes you can't look forever. I had to accept it and move on. I thought he just ran away."

"Clearly he didn't," Todoroki said under his breath, looking down at the bed sheets.

He was about to reply before rapid footsteps came from behind him. Turning around he saw nurses running down the hall with frantic expressions. He went outside the rooms and stopped one. "Ma'am, what's with all commotion?"

She looked towards the direction they all were going before quickly looking back at him. "Theres a patient that's freaking out. Nothing you have to worry about. Sorry about the noise," She said and then sped off.

Shouta ran off in her direction and once he turned the corner down the hall he saw five nurses all huddled outside a room. Worry etched their features as they whispered amongst each other. "Honey, it's okay. You're safe, no one is gonna hurt you here," A voice inside the room spoke in a soft but pleading way. "Someone go get Kikira-san, her Quirk should be able to help with this."

One of the nurses nodded to the person inside the room and quickly made her way past him.

Curious, Shouta decided to approach. He made it to the doorway and peered in to see two doctors and another nurse trying to coax a patient out from under the hospital bed.

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