please dont cry

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You need to come home
over the summer.

is everything ok?

It's fine for now
But I want you home
during this quarantine ok?

of course mom
once erin graduates
it's in like 2 weeks

I love you sweetheart

are you u sure everything is ok?
message deleted by sender

i love you too mom

riley loves texas, she has to admit. she loves the freedom of being away from her family. being able to do whatever she wants, even if that leads to a lot of bad decisions.

that's why riley is dreading the end of the school year. what should be graduation, but no longer is. of course, it doesn't much hurt riley. she wouldn't be graduating anyways, but it hurts erin, and that in turn hurts riley.

"are you going back home for the summer?"

riley groans, covering her eyes with the hands, the cold can in her hand pressing against her forehead.

"yes, don't remind me. i have to tell nick."

erin laughs, leaning back in her chair.

"he's a stupid little freshman," she says, "but he's my stupid little freshman. i'm like his mom!"

erin laugh, "that's how i felt about you."

"you're only a grade above me, shut up."

"and you're about to cry over a kid two years younger than you."

riley rolls her eyes, sniffling into response as she brings the can back up to her lips.

"he's nineteen, actually."

erin laughs, setting her drink down and walking over to her friend. she pulls her up from her chair, rubbing her back during the hug.

"you're such an emotional drunk." erin murmurs, letting the younger girl cry into her shoulder.

for once, riley doesn't retaliate. she can't, really. it's true and they both know it. why try to fight? she's also to busy crying to even talk, so there's not much she would be able to say.

riley doesn't want to leave texas. nick is like an annoying little brother. although she has a real brother at home, it's different here. i mean, aj would've actually left her on the side of the road in the middle of the night with a broke down car, instead of just joking about it.

she cried into erins shoulder for a while, the blondes hug calming her down. she could tell nick tomorrow. until then, she'd cry and drink and pretend everything was okay.

can we talk?
i'll pick u up

uh yeah
is everything ok?

yeah it's just
i need to talk to u about something

did i do something?
should i be worried?

no nick oh my god
ur fine u did nothing!
it's about me!

when are u getting me?

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