When you both tickle each other Ep: 12

Start from the beginning

"HAI!" Gon shouted and ran with Kurapika. I decided to join them but Gon held his arm out blocking my way from running. "Gon?" "No, (Y/N)-Chan, this is dangerous." "Bu-" before I continued they already disappeared from this place and I was left alone.

I'M JUST SICK OF THIS! NONSE-*grrrowwll* h-huh? My stomach, I feel hungry. I'll go search for some food.

Ooooh what's this, yay a choco-robot! Now this will do, hehe. I wonder who this belongs to. I mean the only person I know who's in love, no scratch that, addicted to choco-robots is my tsun-tsun. So it's probably his, or maybe not. Agh whatever, why am I even overthinking this? I'll just owe the person this chocolate belongs to.

*bites chocolate* mmmmm~ no wonder why this is my favorite chocolate. It's delicious!


I'm full now. Aww, I'm low-key disappointed that it's finished. "(Y/N)" killua shouted while waving his hand at me. I waved back and he approached me. "Killua! How did your chit-chat with the examiner go?" "Tch, it turned out that that bastard wanted a photo with me. after all, everybody knows that a photo with a zoldyck member is worth a whole mansion, but of course I disagreed."

"Oh, I see" I nodded showing him that I understood. He suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.


my heart is pounding so fast. I know that he did this many times but it's just that he haven't shown me any gesture of affection from 4-5 days and he's suddenly doing this right now out of the blue.

He cupped my face and brought his face closer, and closer, and closer and Ah *flinch* he's licking my lips (//∇//). He pointed at my stomach and said "oh, so this is where my choco-robot went. I was searching for it. How could you (Y/N) you could've asked, I won't decline." Wait....HOW THE HELL DID HE KNOW!?


OOOOOH, NOW I GET IT! H-he licked my lips because I had some chocolate on them, how embarrassing T^T. So you're giving me the silent treatment, huh? Ok then I think I'll punish you without any mercy." What? What is he saying? What does he mean? *gulp*

He brought his hands closer to my sides, and started......tickling me? Oh I get it! This is his punishment. "Hahahahahahaha....k-kil-Hahahahaha-lua..s-stop I-it Hahahahaha...p-please..Hahahahaha...S-STOP!" "No chocolate, I said no mercy *cat face/smirk*" "Hahahahahahhehehehe..p-please *puppy dog eyes*" " No, and those eyes are not gonna work now."

So he won't budge, eh? Hmmmm...*smirk*....ok then I'm gonna tickle him too. I tried tickling his sides but it didn't work. So I moved to his stomach and he tried holding in his laughter. BINGO! I'll tickle him s'more hehe. "*chukles*..(Y/N)..S-stop...*more of his adorable chuckles* I-I'm the o-one....*chukles*..w-who's supposed to punish you."

"I-I'm..hahaha...n-not...hahahaha...gonna s-stop..haha...until y-you d-do" we both fell on the ground from laughter. He then stopped and I stopped too. " I guess you win the battle this time, but I'll win the war, hmp" "hehe~ awe my tsun-tsun is disappointed because he didn't win" " N-No I'm not, and I'm no tsun-tsun! * pout and looks away."

"KAWAII" " tch, I-I'm not ka-you now what, forget it." "Killua? I'm sorry am I annoying? I didn't mean to. I was just teasing you." "..." "aww come on" I shifted to his side and cupped his face. I kissed his lips over and over and he smiled and kissed back.

Killua's pov

My plan worked *smirk* I really wanted some of (Y/N)s sweet kisses so I used the silent treatment to make her feel guilty of what she did. 'Truth is I'm not mad or annoyed of her at all, how could I be? She's so innocent and cute to be mad of.

Back to your pov

He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to his chest and we continued our kissing session. "(Y/N), please, stay with me forever" he held me securely, like I was going to be taken away from him.

" *giggles*, of course I will silly, I mean where else would I go if you weren't with me? *caresses his cheek* don't worry, I'll stay with you forever and ever, I'll even be with you in your grave. Hehe"

"*smile* I know I sound like a broken record but I can't stop saying this. (Y/N), I love you" "*snuggles against chest* awe, I love you more~"

we chatted while cuddling for the rest of the ride. Of course the other boys joined too and we did our friendship's bonding.

(A/N): that's it readers! Hope ya'll enjoyed *smile*. Question of the day: *smirk* would you rather get into a fight with Hisoka or illumi. Hehe have a great day/night ahead of you.


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