"For starters Neil Rivera I'm not a baby. But you kept us in the dark for the whole weekend. And the cliff hanger you left on the group chat! Be grateful that you are not buried underground, for I could have just killed you for making me die of curiosity."

I just needed to see for myself what I had gotten myself into, working opposite you know who...

"Okay I get it, but let's go get the others as well. We can have the reading together then."

I almost ran to the cafeteria pulling Neil with me. As I constantly complained about how slow he walked. After a lot of pushing and pulling, Neil and I reached the cafe. But what I saw there made me stop in my step making Neil crash into me.

"Why'd you stop like that?"

I just pointed at the sight in front of me. Even Neil was a little taken aback would be an understatement. Lorenzo sat besides Felix talking, and suddenly they broke into laughter. Laughing as if they had seen the funniest thing ever. It was safe to say that these two crackheads were going along better than I had assumed. Like minded breeds do find salvation in their own kind.

Why did I even quote that on them-

"What's so funny? Show me." I said as I tried to take a peek at the camera screen both Lorenzo and Felix were staring at, a moment ago. Felix suddenly flicked the screen off.

"Why is my picture in your camera? I was trying to have a look." I asked him trying to get hold of his precious device which he at once switched off.

"That only means one thing, I didn't want to show it to you." He sneered as his eyes crinkled with the laugh he was holding in, just then his eyes met Lorenzo's and it left him in yet another fit of laughter even though the latter was now back with his solace and still self. It looked pure madness, them going along and it definitely got to me though it shouldn't have so much. 

Weird. Maybe it was absurd to even think that I might have a truce with the latter first, Felix was already friendship goals here.

"So, if you are all done let's have a look at the script, shall we?" Sometimes I think Neil is the only sane one in our group. Me exclusively included.

"Oh Finally! Open it, will you?" I said finally getting my hands on the file. I started reading, aloud taking my place across from Felix and besides Neil.

"Shh.. London, we don't want the whole cafeteria to know our story!" Felix shushed me glaring daggers.

"But it will take so much time for each one to read, it would be easier aloud." I pointed out.

"You know what, Edwards is right but this not the right place. Come on, get your asses off, I know just the right one." Lorenzo said getting up and gesturing towards the tallest structure on campus with his dazed eyes.

So reluctant at first, we went following him in close step. After many corridors and two flights of stairs, we reached what looked like an abandoned classroom, but locked.

Lorenzo got out a key from his back pocket, opening the door wide to let the three of us enter. It was indeed an abandoned classroom. It also had a small balcony but the wall separating the wall and the balcony had been broken and all ruins were piled up to one side. Also there were vines dangling and a few potted plants kept in front of the window, in the direct path of sunlight. My mouth was open in awe as I looked around the room. The room looked everything but abandoned, somebody used it on regular basis.

"Close your mouths, there might be some bugs around." With a sudden flinch we all shut our mouths. Embarrassed but still in awe.

"Damn Enzo I never knew something like this could exist." Felix said as he looked out of the in-room balcony. I joined him there too. The view was beautiful, unlike our own classrooms whose windows looked over the college grounds. It showed the backside of our college, which was semi submerged by the forest.

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