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[Oakley's Pov]

"I think ima head to bed,Goodnight guys" I said grabbing my water bottle from the fridge, I heard some "Ok goodnight"s and "Goodnight Bear"s before my older brother came over hugging me. "Goodnight OakleyBear,do you need me to come cuddle you?" He asked before kissing my head. "No I think I'm okay tonight,but thank N" I said smiling and walking towards the basement stairs. "Ok call me if you need me" he said and  I nodded as a reply.


I gasped as I sat up in bed, I look around to see my brother and 3 of my roommates standing around looking worried. "Oak are you ok?" Noah asked sitting beside me. "What happened?" I asked looking at the clock on my night stand
'2:45' is what the red letter said. "Well I was sleeping when the boys came in my room saying you were screaming and crying and when I came in you were" Noah explained, I nodded softly. "I'm sorry for bothering you guys" I said looking at Griffin,Blake and Jaden. "Oak it's ok it's not your fault,try and get some rest"Griffin said smiling before walking out. "Yeah little beck, you can't control what happens" Blake said coming over and kissing my head, before going to what I assume would be his room. "Yeah you didn't bug us we'd rather be taking care of you then worrying about other things,just don't worry 'Kay?" Jaden said sitting on the edge of my bed, and I nodded smiling slightly. "There's the smile we wanna see" Jaden said before tickling me. "Stop,stop!" I managed to get out since I was laughing so hard. "Ok,ok" he said giving me a hug before getting up. "Bye Jae" I said kissing his head before he smiled and left my room leaving me and Noah together.

"You know I'm proud of you for today" Noah said as we laid down on my bed. "For what?" I asked confused. "You didn't have an episode When hollywoodfix asked you questions" he said starting to play with my hair knowing it calms me down. "Well I had my person with me" I said smiling and looking up at Noah. "I love you Oak,now try and get some rest" he said kissing my temple. "Love you too" I mumbled just before sleep took over me.

[Noah's Pov]

I smiled as my little sister fell asleep,I knew this whole moving to la thing was hard especially with Connors death, she was madly in love with the dude and he was just using her, I knew deep down he loved her he was one of my good friends, every time she was around his face just lit up, every time her name was mentioned he smiled. Shortly after the started dating he just disappeared never hung out with us guys never came to the games, after I left we didn't talk much only a "Hey hows it going" and a "Im doing good you?'". I lightly moved my arm that I had wrapped around Oakley and quietly got up,I smiled lightly at her peacefully sleeping body before shutting her door quietly.

"How is she" said a familiar voice said scaring me and making me jump lightly, I turn around to see the one and only Jaden Hossler. "She doing ok" I said and we walked up the stairs together. "So what happened why was she freaking out?" He asked concerned. "Well I think it was about Connor but I don't know you could ask her tomorrow" i said yawning before checking the time, '4:31 am' is what the writing on the stove said. "Well I'm going to bed it's pretty early let me know if something happens to her since your room is next to hers" I said before going back to my room. I heard him mumble a quick 'ok'.

[Oakley's Pov ]

I woke up to cameras clicking a strong ish arm wrapped around my waist, and they had their head snuggled in my neck. I felt this mysterious person stir and some whispering. "Shit guys let's go before they wake up" I heard someone mumble before my door closed. I opened my eyes and turned my body to see Jaden laying there. "It's not polite to stare Oak" he mumbled in his hot morning voice,wait what? "I wasn't staring at you there's nothing to stare at anyways" I said supporting myself on my elbows. "Oh shush" I he said before opening his eyes and smiled at me which I smiled back. I got out of bed even though Jaden didn't want me to. "So how did you end up in my bed" I asked putting my hair in a messy bun before putting a oversized hoodie on because I was only in a sports bra and short work out shorts and I was cold. "Well after Noah left about an hour later you were crying so I came In here to calm you down and I guess I fell asleep"he explained getting out of bed only wearing sweats.

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter ik we kinda messed up our schedule and we're sorry! I (Syd) post chapters I've written on Monday's and sometimes Wednesday's.If you ever need to talk I'm here Just DM me on my main,don't feel scared or afraid to DM me.But yeah. I hope you stay safe and please wear your masks! p.s I've started school so I'll try and get more chapters on my main posted! <3

-Subwriter Sydney (Ceo_of_wishh) out

Word count:927

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