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*Oakley's POV*
We get infont of Triller Air and we see Fletcher. I scoot close to Noah because I know he asks more personal questions and I don't think I'm ready for that. "Noah, Noah.. The fans wanna know, the fans wanna know. Are you and Dixie D'amelio dating?" "No sir, we are just fiends." "Oakley mind if I ask you some questions?" I look a Noah and he gives me a reassuring nod. "Sure, why not." "Okay, perfect. So the fans wanna know why you came to L.A. in the fist place." "Well, I needed a break from home, and Noah's always been my go to person for my problems, but when he left, it felt wrong and things happened, so I needed a break." "Ah, understandable." Noah smiles at me and elbows me telling me that I did great on the fist question. "Next question, I saw people noticing you breaking down at dinner, mind to explain?" At this point, I start to get really nervous. "Uhm, I just get really bad anxiety and I needed to get out of there as soon as I could." Noah gives me a worried look cause I scooted closer to him. "One last question, then I'll let you go. What can we expect in the future from you?" "Well, I don't really know.  A lot of unexpected things happen, odd obstacles, and yes, you will get over them, but they'll set you back a little bit. So ,out of complete honesty, I have no idea what you should expect in the future." "Really interesting answer, Oakley, thank you for your time. Have a nice night." "Oh  thank you, you too."  All of the guys looked at me with shocked faces. "What are you looking at?" Noah said "You spoke about your problems, without freaking out." I looked at them all with a questionable expression. "What do you mean 'my problems?" The guys looked at me like I have three heads. "We just thought you'd freak out I guess" Oh, that? No, those aren't my problems, they're details about my life in very vague details." The guys all seem to understand better now.

Hey Guys! I know this chapter is 4 days late for me, but I've had lots going on. It's also short, in which I apologize about, but there's nothing I can do about it. Anyways, this is author Olivia, bibliotothemax , out.

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