Chapter twenty-four

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A/N: A picture of Richard



I nervously walked between the tables that had been set up in the back yard for the Ceromony. I trailed my fingers over the soft white table clothes that Malissa and Ry had picked out for the special day. Ugh, you'd think someone was getting married the way Melissa chattered excitedly with the other females of the pack, gushing about how much Radek had grown, and such.

I scrambled to stay out of the way, of the guys who were Barbaquing the meat in preporation. Actually if I was honest with myself I was trying to convince myself I could do this at all. Sure on the outside I looked calm and sure of myself but on the inside I was panicing. Who was I to run a pack of wolves. I mean really a month ago, I had believed I was the only werewolf and knew nothing about my own kind. Hell, I was still learning. I couldn't do this, I was about to be holding peoples lives in my hands when I am still so new to the world around me.

Suddenly two arms wrapped around my waist and dragged me into the trees. I didn't bother trying to fight Radek as he sat down at the bais of the willow tree and pulled me onto his lap.

"What's wrong, Beautiful?" He whispered into my ear as he nuzzled his face aginst my neck.

I stared down at Radek's hands that were resting on my stomach. "I don't know if I can do this." I felt so ashamed to say it. I told him my fears, that my ignorence would put the pack in danger. I told him everything. He is my mate after all. And he did the last thing I expected, he laughed.

A defensive growl bubbled up from my chest. "Oh stop." He said still chuckling as he kissed my cheek. "You are not going to put the pack in danger. You may not know all there is to know about being a wolf but you are still young and there is plenty of time to learn. You already posses the qualitys to be a great leader, even without me at your side. You are smart, strong, willful, and you care deeply for a pack that you've barily joined. Besides, it's not like my parents are suddenly going to dissapear any time soon, and they have been the Alphas of the pack for a little more that twenty years." He kissed my temple. "You are going to be fine."

I turned in his lap to face him, and slid my arms around his neck. "That was quite the pep talk Mr. Markem. " I grinned up at him.

"Well, I aspire to be an insperational speaker, Miss O'Brian." He countered with a horrible fake british accent.

He touched his lips to mine one last time before he let out a heavy sigh. "We should probably go get dressed because if we are late my mother would have my head."

I stood reluctantly and kissed his cheek. "I'll see you soon."

"Yes, you will my beautiful mate." I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek before walking toward the house.

After some time Silver deemed me perfect. She had done my make up and dressed me in an elegant short sleeved green dress that buttoned up the front. It was beautiful and brought out the green in my eyes with that contrasted with my dark hair.

Melissa sent Ryanna and Silver to join the rest of the pack in the meddow clearing were the ceromony would be held.

Melissa and I were silent as we walked together to the clearing. I relshed in the feeling of my bare feet aginst the forrest floor, it was as if the earth was more alive and little electric jolts shot up my legs. Melissa and I stopped in the edge of the trees of the clearing and directly on the other side I could see Radek and Jason.

They led us to a small table and had Radek and I kneel before them. Melissa picked up a silver bowl with anchient disigns crafted along the outside, she held it high for the pack to see. "The crystal water symbolizes the moon. May you always control the tides of your life, the wisdom to stand strong, and may you always run wild and free." She lowered the bowl and had Radek and I drink from the bowl.

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