Bonus Chapter

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I clung to Trinity for dear life. I'm not sure why but I felt as if that something bad was going to happen, that I was going to lose her and my parents. My father stood in front of the large crowd that had gathered for my grandmother's funeral, it seemed as if the entire town had come. I could feel tears streaming down my face and soak into trin's pretty black dress that grams had gotten her for her birthday a few years ago. She rubbed my back in slow circles and stroked her fingers through my hair. Trin seemed to always know how to make me feel safe.

Soon the funeral came to an end, and I found myself being pushed into my father's arms. I peeked through my hair as trin slipped off her shoes telling dad she was going for a run. I watched in a panic as she walked into the trees. I yanked away from my father and ran to follow.

"Bailey!" My father yelled from behind me. He tried to grab me but I was fast, maybe not as fast as trin but I havn't been on the track team for the last three years for nothing.

I paused by a pile of clothes on the ground, instantly I recognized Trin's dress and some guys clothes. I looked around to see they were already gone.

"Bailey." I looked over my shoulder at Devon and my father a few yards behind him glaring at Davon.

"Dev." I breathed as I rushed to him and wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in the crook of his neck. His arms snaked around me for a moment.

"You should get back to your father before he decides I'm a threat." He murmered pulling out of my grip.

I hooked my arms with his and began dragging us back in my dad's direction. I couldn't help the worry that clenched at my stomach with Trinity not by my side as she has been sence I had found out about gram's death Wensday. "She's going to be okay, right?" I looked up at Devon.

"She'll be fine." My father snapped.

I spun around to see that we had reached my father already. I scowled at his tone. "You don't know that." I whined.

"Lee, Trinity will be fine, she's with the Al-Radek." Devon said shooting my father a cautious look.

I looked to see my father's face had paled and he stared at Devon in shock. "He's Alpha? How he's just a kid."

"Wait, daddy, you know about...wolves, then?" I asked hesitently.

He shook his head in disgust. "Why do you think I moved us to Seattle? I had to get away from all of this supernatural crap. And I come back here and I'm bombarded with it." He turned angery eyes on me. "And I don't want you around it either."

I stared at him in horror. "You can't be serious?!" I excailmed.

"Don't start with me Bailey, not today. Lets go home." He sighed yanking me away from Devon.

"No, daddy, you can't keep us apart." I gasped in shock and yanked aginst his hold on my arm.

"Watch me." He snarled.

"But he's my mate." I whimpered.

My father froze, when he had come to a sudden stop I tripped over my own feet and landed in a half crumbled heap on the ground.

"Bailey!" Devon dashed to me and picked me up off of the ground with gental hands. "Are you alright?" He whispered brushing away dirt from my dress.

Suddenly my father gripped Devon by the colar. "Don't ever touch my daughter!" He yelled. His glare shifted between Devon and me. "Do you think I don't know what you have to do to become fully mated? Do you think I'm stupied, Boy?!" I had never seen my father so angery.

"You don't have to worry about that, sir." Devon said calmly. Well he tried to appear calm but I could see him clinching his jaw in anger.

"Sure, I have nothing to worry about. Do you think I'm an idiot?"

"Jack?" A soft voice said. I looked up to see a pretty woman with dark brown curls that fell to her shoulders and pretty dark blue eyes.

My father released his hold on Devon and turned to look at the woman. He stared at her in shock. "Melissa?" His voice came out breathy.

The pretty woman smiled up at him before turning to Devon. "What's going on here?" Devon looked at her and let his side of the story pour out.

Melissa let out a sigh. "Jack don't take your anger at Jason and I out on the kids. It's not something they can control."

"Well he better control himself, She's only fourteen." My dad growled as he motioned to me.

"Sir, you really have nothing to worry about. I'm going to follow my orders." Devon stood straight and looked my father in the face but his words perked my interest.

"What orders?" The three of us looked at him curiously. At the sound of my voice he ducked his head and figited with his hands.

"I have orders from my Alpha that I'm not to touch her until she turns eighteen."He said quietly. I stared at him questioningly.

"Why would Radek do that?" Melissa asked bewildered.

"He didn't-" Devon started but Melissa threw back her head and laughed.

"You have nothing to worry about, Jack. It seems your daughter beat you to the punch." Melissa shook her head at his confused stare. "It seems Trinity has taken care of your little worry." I noticed Devon flinch at the sound of my sister's name.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked staring at Devon. Devon bowed his head to avoid looking me in the eye.

"It means," I spun around to see a tall guy with dark hair and striking dark blue eyes, almost identical to Melissa's. "that your sister only wants what's best for you. Trin loves you Bailey, and she would do anything for you." I stared into his blue eyes for a long time fasinated that when he spoke about my sister there seemed to be a sparkle in his eyes.

"Who are you?" I whispered.

"My name is Radek, your sister is my mate."

"Mate? Why didn't she tell me?"

"I don't know but she's planning to meet back up at your house soon, you can ask her about everything then." The man straightened up glanced at Devon, "Your parents are waiting for you." Devon brushed a hand across my cheek before he walked away.

Melissa linked arms with Radek. "We will see you at your house, Jack." She said leading Radek over to the parking lot. My father and I joined my mother in the SUV, it was a long and quiet ride home.

Again it was like the entire town was at our house, so many people talking and giving condolences the only thing keeping me saine was that Devon was texting me. My father was still freaking out if he saw us within a three feet of eachother.

"Go into the backyard." I looked up to see that guy, Radek. "She's waiting for you there."

Hesitenly I walked out the back doors and into the trees. There she was, leaning against a tree in her pretty dress and barefoot. She smiled sweetly and opened her arms as I ran to hug her. "It's alright Lee. Everything will be alright."

After a moment I pulled back and stared at her. "Why didn't you tell me you had a mate? What kind of command did you give Devon, and why didn't you tell me about it?"

"Woah, there cowgirl. That's a lot of questions and you'll have to wait a little while for the answers there are," She looked around, smiled and raised her voice. "Far too many nosy wolves around here!" There was a sudden shuffling then everything fell silent. She kissed me on the top of my head, "When everyone is gone we will talk but for now lets finnish saying goodbye to a very special woman." She wrapped an arm around my shoulders and led us back to the house.

Twin WolfOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora