Chapter ~ 14

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“SHOPPING!” that’s the first thing I heard when I walked down the stairs to go eat breakfast. Jumping up and down in the middle of the kitchen is none other than Silver. Looking over to my left slightly there was Kyle sitting on the stool by the island just shaking his head with amusement plastered on to his face.

My parents were also in the kitchen working on breakfast for everyone. I looked at Silver and Kyle and raised my eyebrows at them both. Shaking my head I walk threw door way over to my parents kissing the moth on the cheek. “ Morning mom, dad.” I said will grabbing a “Perfect Banana” walking over to sit next to Kyle.

“ Ry, do you realize what time it is.” Silver said. Glaring at me now. What the hell did I do? I looked up at her raising my eyebrows in confusion.

“ um, 8:30? Why?” I asked

She just shook her head like I for got the most important thing in the world. I thought about what I could be for getting for few seconds. Then I remembered I heard her say shopping. How could I forget every spring break we go to the mall to get new summer clothes. Duhh. No wonder she looks like she want to kill me it’s our shopping day and we leave in 10 minutes and I’m not even half way ready.

“Sorry Silver I totally forgot. I’ll go up and get changed so we can leave. Finishing my banana I ran up to my room and got changed. before racing back down stares so we could leave.

We took Silver and Kyle’s car to get to the mall in in the next town over. We invited Trin, but she had to stay home and pack unless her mom would have her head.

Pulling in to parking spot Silver jumped out of the car before we were even at a complete stop that’s how much she loves shopping. Making our way passed a few stores I stopped in front of a prom dress that was being displayed. Staring at it with the biggest smile you could imagine. Kyle and Silver to stores down notice that I was know longer with them looked back at to were I was standing.

Walking back over to me the looked at the dress then back at me.

“ Man, we know that look.” Kyle started. “ Yeah, that look means that Ry just got and idea. And I pretty sure it has to do with that dress.” Silver finished. I looked at my to best friends and gave then a nod of my head.

“ Hey guys how does a game of truth or dare sound with my brother?” I asked them.

They looked at each other then back at me. “Sure.” “Okay” they say at the same time.

I looked back at the dress. It was hot Pink floor length, heart shaped top with gold lace design, on the left leg there was a slit that would go all the way up to the top of your thigh. The dress was vary form fitting. And perfect for what I have planned. They three of us walked in to the store porches the size we need. Then left to continue our shopping. By time we were done the mall was closing so we had make our way home. We have along night before we can go to bed we still have a game to play.

“ Radek, Please?? One game it will be fun.. it’s been forever sense we have played.” I begged him. I know right me begging my brother to play a game of truth or dare who would of thought. But for my plan to work he has to play.

“ Ry we play that game last week.” he state.

“ Ra, Please, pleasssee it’s a lot more fun when you play as well.” I gave him the puppy dog look. Him and dad both had a hard time saying know to that look. “ Ry, don’t give me that look.. Ry stop.. I’m not looking.” He was trying to look away but he couldn’t.

“ Uh, fine you win. I’ll play only for a little while I want to get some sleep tonight.” he never could look away.

“AWESOME Thank you!! Now let’s play.” let the game begin. We have been play for half our now. And I just called on Radek. “ Radek truth or dare.” this should be no problem he always picks dare with me. Always thinking I suck at dares. No matter how many times. We have played. Well maybe this time he will get the hint that I am not bad at giving dares, I great at them. “ Dare of course, do you even have to ask.” he has a smirk placed on his face. Looking over at my two best friends we gave each other a smile. Then turned back to look at my brother. “ Okay, I dare you Radek to ware a out I pick out for you at the bonfire this weekend. You have to keep it on for an hour after everyone has showed up. Only then may you change to your on close.” I smirked back at him. Raising one eyebrow that said easy enough, but only if he new what just got him self in to.

“ Doesn’t sound to bad. Where’s the outfit?” he asked.

“ I’ll place it on your bed the day of the bone fire. Well, I going to be now night.” I walked Silver and Kyle out then made my way up to my room for a good nights sleep.


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