Chapter ~20 Ryanna

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Trinity just got done telling me about the conversation with my father last night, and I have to tell you it would explain a lot. I need to know more. Getting off of my bed I walked over to my desk and sat my but in my rolling chair.

Trinity fallowing close behind. “ What are you doing?” she asked. As I was waiting for my laptop to turn on to do some research.

“ Well, I don’t know about you but I want to find out were I came from and why my parents gave me up. I’ve always wonder but it never bugged me enough to look it to it. But hearing what dad told you makes me want to find out. If my dads theory is true and we are royal wolves I want to know why my birth parents gave me up.” I looked over my shoulder at her.

“ So what do you say? You in?” I asked her.

“ I’m in.” was all she said as she took a seat on my second rolling chair next to me.


After 3 hours we finally located what adoption agency our parents went threw. And quincidently enough we happen to be adopted by the same agency. Writing down the phone number and address I handed it to trinity to hang on to it. “ Here. Do you want to check it out later today?”

“ I sure I’ll tell my parents im staying the night here. Oh and I think for right now we should keep this between us.” Trinity said.

“ I totally agree with you.” Just at that moment Radek came barging in. Slamming my laptop closed and trinity stuffing the paper in her pocket.

“ Hey babe, why do you two seem so jumpy? Wait are you cheating on me? How could you do that? RYANNA let me see you computer right now.. I can't believe you are helping her cheat on me!” Radek kept on rambling on. I looked over at Trin and you could tell that she was getting a little pissed at his words. I would to if he was my mate and he accused me of cheating. Eww did I just say is my brother was my mate. Never again.

“ RADEK!” I yelled.

“ No RY, stay out of it. This is between me and my mate.” Man my brother is such an idiot. How can he truly think that Trin would cheat on him. She’s not that type of girl at all. Like what the hell come on. For a soon to be Alpha he’s pretty stupid. No wander he got Trin as a mate. Some has to keep the pack in line.

“ RADEK WILL YOU SHUT UP! For two damn seconds.” Trinity Yelled at him. Now standing in my bedroom door way is my idiot brother looking like he’s a deer stuck in the head lights. It about time he stopped talking. Looking back over at Trin she he ad the look on her face saying that she was going to blow.

“ Trin.” I said. She just sat there staring at him. I waited few seconds to see if she would respond but she still looked like she was about to blow any minute.. And I would want to blow to if my mate accused me of cheating on him and had his sisters help.

“Trin?” I said one more time but it was to late.

“ RADEK How Can You Even Think That! Do you realize you just accused me of. Are you sure your not the one cheating because it’s defiantly not me. Is it a crime to want to hang out with my best friend on the computer.”

“ Okay if your not cheating on me then why did you close the laptop so fast as soon as I walked in the door.”

“ Just because we don’t want you to see something doesn’t mean I’m cheating. Yes, I admit that we are looking up stuff we don’t want you to know about, but sooner or later you will know because we will tell you. But right now, is not the time. Hell two months from now may not be the time. But I do know that you will find out it just the matter of when we are ready to share. Oh and just so you know you will be sleeping by your self to night as punishment. Now if you don’t mind Ry and I have a lot to do today so ill see you later.” she got the chair kissed Radek on the cheek before walk out of the room. Radek turned to me in shock. But not because she yelled at him.

“ she was kidding about not sleeping in my room tonight.” I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

“right? ” he asked.

“ Radek I think you just got lucky that, that was our only punishment. You got let off easy.” I told him before making my way to catch up to Trin.

After we ditched Radek we jumped in to my car to make our way to Libby. It’s the next town over.

The adoption agency wasn’t hard to find. It was right across the main park in the town. It was a small brick building that looks like it has been there for some years. Parcking in front of the building I looked over at Trin.

“ You ready to get some answers?” I asked

“ More than ready lets do this.” with that we walked in to the entry to the main lobby. At the desk sat an older lady who looks like she’s in her late 50’s with her brown hair turning gray. And wearing cat like glasses, an old fashioned shirt and skirt with flowers on them.

“ Hello dears how may I help you?” she said with a smile on her face.

“ Hey my names Trinity and this is Ryanna. We were both adopted from this agency 17 years ago. And are interested in finding our birth parents.” the look on the llady face changed immediately. “ I’m sorry but I cant give you that type of information.”

Trin and I looked at each other again then back at the older woman.

“ Actually you can. We have the right to have the file for medical reasons. And if you don’t give us the files we can and will sue. If we do not get our files. We have the right to know.” we both gave her a look that said you do not want to mess with us, because one way or the other we will get what we want.

Nodding her head she stood up from her seat and walked to the back. A few minutes past when she finally made her way back out to the main room. Looking at her hands she held one file.? Glancing over and Trin it seems like she noticed as well. “ why do you only have one file?” I asked but she ignored me and continued walking. “ why do you only have one file??” Trin asked this time. The lady looked back at us with as annoyed expression on her face. “ follow me.” was all she said while she continued walking into a different room. We followed her and sat in the two available seats left in the room. While the older lady sat behind the desk.

Opening the folder she read over it before telling us any thing. When she was done she turned the file so that we could see.

“ the only reason there is only one file is because this states the you two are fraternal twins.” she said next.

“ fraternal what?” Trin said making it sound like a question.

“ fraternal twins are….” but she was cute of by me.

“ we know what fraternal twins are. Are you sure this is our file that we are twins?” I asked.

“ I’m positive. You both look like your mother.” and she handed us a picture that laid in the file.

Trin and I looked at it at the same then at each other. “ OH MY GOD” we looked over at the lady again. “ We are twins.” shock written on both our faces.

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