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Harry hadn't been pregnant for long, only four months, yet he still felt like it was forever ago he'd learned he was.
He laid on the love seat in Toms office, the one he always insisted sitting on.
Tom, as he'd mostly taken up calling him now, was sitting across from Harry, of course doing his paperwork.
Harry wanted to get Toms attention, but decided against it and laid back all the way.
Nagini hissed in content as she laid wrapped around Harry, her tail protectively wrapped around his belly.
Ever since she'd found out Harry was pregnant, she'd insisted on barely leaving his side unless Tom was with him.
Even then, unless told or asked nicely, she wouldn't budge.
Her protection over the little ones in Harry's belly made him overwhelmed with happiness sometimes.
Harry absently rubbed the bottom of his belly, feeling the magic that was there.
"What's wrong, love? Is it the baby?" Toms urgent voice came from his chair, looking worried when he'd noticed Harry's habit of rubbing his stomach.
"Nothings wrong. I can just feel their magic. It's incredibly weird, but comforting."
Tom looked more eased at that, and Harry chuckled while continuing to stroke Naginis scales, her soft and content hisses becoming a normal occurrence.
"I'm just checking. You know how I feel about our little one and you're health."
Harry nodded.
When Tom had found out he was pregnant, he'd almost fainted and in the smallest voice he could manage, had said "We're going to be a family?.."
It broke Harry's heart when he realized Tom meant that he thought he didn't deserve such a thing.
Saying it with such joy but sadness at the same time.
When Hermione found out, her and Ginny nagged Harry to no end.
Narcissa constantly fused, and Draco always made Harry's meals, Draco in training to be a healer and mediwizard.
When Bellatrix found out, she'd screamed and jumped with so much joy.
"I'll spoil that little one rotten!" She'd shouted that day.
Hermione had just rolled her eyes, wanting to laugh at her girlfriend.
Severus had made Harry take the proper potions for morning sickness, nausea, and of course pain.
Nagini just muttered something about 'baby little hatchlings' and 'grand hatchlings running around to spoil' before immediately assuming position of Harry's personal guard.
She slept in their room, ate dinner with them, sat in Harry's lap and coiled around him when he went somewhere.
She also would often take pressure off of Harry's feet by placing her tail around them to basically walk Harry without the weight.
Harry often very much would appreciate it, even if he wasn't far along he would definitely appreciate it in a few months.
Harry contently sighed, the warmth of Naginis huge body on him, comforting.
Nagini flicked her tongue out to taste the air, eyes still closed and only half asleep, unwilling to ever fall completely asleep for Harry's sake.
Harry smiled at the life he'd had.
He couldn't wait to have their little one running around.
Harry had basically almost fallen off the grid and stopped attending hogwarts when he'd found out.
They thought it was the safest for them and their child.
Harry had moved into Toms room, often sitting in the comfortable window seat with a book, Nagini of course curled around him.
She liked to feel the magic of the 'hatchling' letting her know it was alright.
Harry would have never guessed this would've happened months ago.
But, he was glad it did.
He now not only had a home.
But, he also had a family.
And if Dumbledore ever screwed that up, the man would feel the wrath of seven fresh hells, Harry would personally bestow upon him.
Nagini just chuckled, at the evil look on Harry's face.
It was all going to be okay.

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