"Oh, nothing just came to check up again that's all no need to be such a prat Malfoy" Hermione scoffed. She had decided to let them fall in love on their own. Not with the influence of Ron and herself knowing about it. Ron looked down at her but quickly looked back up. "So...you two are....?" Ron asked, teasing Harry. "People attending Hogwarts just like the both of you?" Draco said, cutting him off.

Ron actually smiled, Ron let himself smile at something Draco had said. "Shove off Malfoy." Ron said hiding his smile. "Is that all
you know how to say Weasel?" Draco said chuckling and looking up at him.

"Ha ha very funny Malfoy" Ron said. "Well then sorry to intrude" Hermione said smiling.
"No intrusion at all" Harry said smiling as well. "Kind of an intrusion if you ask me" Draco mumbled and snickered.  Harry looked away as a slight blush formed on his face. "We'll be on our way now, you boys enjoy the rest of your day" Hermione said leaving the room and closing the door.

"Why didn't you even ask them?" Ron looked down at Hermione as they walked out of the dorm. "I feel like it would be better if they just fell in love naturally and figured things out alone like we did, you know without all the pressure of us knowing" Hermione said walking hand in hand with Ron. "We hid it from Harry for like 2 years" Hermione giggled.

Draco looked back over at Harry who was now on the complete opposite side of the bed. Draco needed to kiss, to touch Harry. He needed that moment back. He needed that heat back. "It was an intrusion" Draco said catching Harry's attention.

Harry got quiet once more and re-adjusted his sitting position so he was closer again, but not as close. Not too close, but close enough. "No, no it was not I..I like that they came in, I didn't mind at all" Harry said looking anywhere and everywhere but Draco's eyes.

"What did I say about lying" Draco smirked and let his gaze fall upon Harry who looked nervous and fidgety. His fingers were once again under Harry's chin. Harry finally met Draco's eyes. "Look me in the eyes and tell me you're not lying." Draco said lowly.  Harry was at a loss for words. Harry loved the way Draco handled him.

"I- I.." Harry fell silent again. Harry could barely focus. Draco's hand slipped down to the back of Harry's neck once more. This time his thumb caressed the back of Harry's neck. Harry felt a shiver go down his spine. Draco simply smirked.

He knew Harry had become putty in his hands. "So you're lying?" Draco said, making eye contact with Harry. "Possibly" Harry said softly, a smirk playing on his lips. Harry didn't want to let himself do this even though he wanted it so very badly. In that moment Harry could think of two things only.

One being that he needed Draco, now. The other being he would have to come out, which scared him.

Draco couldn't help but look down at his lips. His red lips, his perfectly shaped red lips. Draco knew one thing and one thing only in that moment, he needed Harry. Harry's arms snaked around Draco's neck. His hand re-tangled into Draco's hair. "Possibly isn't an answer" Draco said softly. Draco's left arm made its way around Harry's waist, sitting him up and pulling him closer. This time Draco only left a mere centimeter of space between them.

Harry wanted Draco more than Draco could ever even fathom. Draco's right hand was still rested upon the back of Harry's neck. Harry's breath was shaky and uneven. Draco could tell Harry wanted this just as much as he did. Harry let his eyes fall down to Draco's lips. Draco's perfect lips. Draco let his tongue flick over his bottom lip slowly. Harry went insane at the sight. Draco wrapped his arm around Harry tighter, but not too tight because he knew about the bruises and didn't want to risk hurting him.

Draco and Harry both breathing unsteady, their lips not touching. Just their bodies. Their fully clothed bodies. Draco had enough of the wait, he ran his right hand up to Harry's cheek. Draco softly caressed Harry's hip with his left hand as well. Draco knew just what Harry would like. Harry bit his bottom lip softly. Draco slowly pulled Harry's face closer and stopped when their lips were almost touching. He once again brushed his lips against Harry's then pulled away. Harry leaned in for more, he was frustrated at this point.

Sixty-four Steps (drarry)Where stories live. Discover now