IV - Water

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Firelord Iroh has his arms wrapped around his daughter, holding her close before she has to go. Asami, Mako, Bolin are accompanying the princess to the Southern Water Tribe. Laurel, Lu Ella, Xan, and Lady Izumi have come to say goodbye as well. Izumi hugs Laurel first. Laurel's eyes are already brimming with tears.

Izumi hugs Lu Ella next. Lu Ella already has tears streaming down her face, "I am going to miss you so much, Umi," and she throws herself into Izumi's arms.

"I'm going to miss you too," Izumi tells her best friend and gives her a tight hug. As the best friends hug, Izumi can see someone running towards them and yelling incomprehensible words. The girls let each other go and squint at the running figure.

"Is... that Jon?" Lu Ella keeps squinting.

Izumi has some internal panic. She hasn't seen Jon since the night of her party and when he gave her the ring. The ring which she is still wearing.

Mako, who is standing next to Lu Ella asks, "Who is that?"

"Oh, that's Jon. Izumi was briefly engaged to him," Lu Ella explains. The information makes Asami, Mako, and Bolin give Izumi shocked looks.

Izumi blushes, "Because I had to not because I wanted to. You forgot to mention that it was set up by the Fire Sages. Also, extreme emphasis on briefly," Izumi rambles.

"Hmm... I get it. Being a princess is very complicated. I would know, I used to date one," Bolin states in a matter-of-factory tone.

Jon is out of breath when he gets to the group, he bends over hands resting on his knees. He manages to catch his breath and then he speaks. "Izumi...," he wheezes, "I wanted to say goodbye. I didn't think I was going to catch you in time."

"I'm glad you were able to make it. I would have hated to leave without saying goodbye to a friend," Izumi smiles at him, but Jon winces at the word friend. Jon gives Izumi a quick hug.

In the distance, someone else yells, "Better make room for one more!" This catches the attention of everyone and they look over and see Percival walks towards them. He has a bag in one hand and a sword in the other. Jon has an expression of jealousy on his face.

"And who is that," asks Bolin.

Lu Ella is quick to respond, "That is Percival. He flirted with Izumi at her party and now they both have crushes on each other," she smirks.

Izumi scoffs, "No we do not!" She blushes.

"Wow, Izumi hasn't even left the Fire Nation and already has boys lining up," Asami chuckles.

"Be safe Izumi. I'll see you when you come back," Jon says and gives Izumi another quick hug. Before letting her go. He gives her a peck on her cheek. Percival and Jon walk by each other and give shoulder checks. Percival doesn't say another word, he just boards. Izumi resumes her goodbyes. She hugs her grandmother, Lady Izumi whispers words of encouragement to Izumi before letting her go. It was finally time to say goodbye to her father.

"There is nothing more I want in the world right now than to join you on your journey," The Firelord tells his daughter as he caresses her cheek.

"As great as it would be to have my doting father come with me, I think this is something I have to do on my own. And the Fire Nation beds its Firelord," Izumi smiles at her father.

Irohs eyes fill with tears, "I am so proud of you,"

Izumi struggles to hold back her own tears, "When I come back I'll be a proper water bender," Izumi smiles.

Iroh pulls Izumi into a tight hug, "I love you so much, Izumi," he whispers into her ear.

"I love you so much, dad," dad felt weird to say, but it felt right to Izumi. Iroh finally manages to let go of Izumi and tears now roll on his checks.

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