II - Fire

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A/N: uhm... I am so sorry for not updating... I low key forgot I posted this on here 😳
Izumi doesn't say anything. She just stands there with a confused look on her face. The Fire Sages stand up and Izumi says, "No, I'm sorry, but you have to be wrong. There is no way I can be the Avatar."

"Yes, we are certain you are the next Avatar," Javaid says.

The Firelord joins his daughter by her side. Lu Ella has an expression of shock on her eyes.

A different Fire Sage asks the princess, "Izumi, have you shown any signs of bending?"

Iroh says, "No, she has-", but Izumi cuts him off.

"Yes. Yes, I have." Iroh looks at his daughter, shocked.

"May we see," Javaid asks.

Izumi nods, takes a deep breath, and concentrates. She gets in her stance and she can feel the power coming to her. She pulls some water out of the pond and it comes towards her as a small stream. Izumi navigates it slowly and it's now directly over her. Everyone is now looking up. Izumi doesn't know how she does it but the water stream turns into a water ball and it bursts, causing a light mist to sprinkle gently over the surrounding onlookers.

The princess is still in shock learning that she is the Avatar, but it now made sense to her why she was water bending.

Izumi asks the Fire Sages,"How did you make this decision?"

"We were hoping we could talk to you in private," Javaid states and he leaves with the other Fire Sages. Izumi suddenly feels that everyone is staring at her. She quickly enters the palace and once she is away from the crowd of people she does a very un-princess-like thing and she runs to her room.

Her mind is racing. Oh, Agni. Oh, Agni. Not only am I a water bender, but I'm the Avatar. How is it that I had no bending abilities until yesterday? All my life I've been surrounded by guards. I've had my father to guide me the right way, but being the Avatar is a bigger responsibility than being Firelord. I was nervous about being Firelord for one nation, but now I have the responsibility of all four? Izumi sprawls herself over her bed. A soft knock comes through Izumi's door.

"Umi," Lu Ella calls through the door.

Izumi manages to croak, "Come in." Izumi can feel her bed shift as Lu Ella sits, "How are you," Lu Ella asks.

"I don't know. My brain is fried, that much I can say for sure," Izumi groans, "I'm not even sure what to think right now, Lu. Yesterday I thought my destiny was to protect the Fire Nation but now I have the entire responsibility of the whole world," Izumi's eyes begin to brim with tears.

They hear Xan's stern voice, "Your presence has not been requested nor approved by the Princess. Leave immediately."

Another voice is heard, "But I need to see her," the voice pleads, "I need to talk to her," it's Jon.

Izumi quickly gets up and opens the door. Xan is holding Jon back and Jon is straining against him trying to get through.

"Thank you for always looking out for me, Xan, but he can enter," the princess smiles at Xan. Xan slowly releases Jon and Xan gives Jon a peculiar look.

"Yes, of course princess," Xan nods and he resumes his watch.

"I'll give you two a moment," Lu Ella says and exits the princesses room.

The princess wanted to get the conversation over, "What do you want to talk about, Jon?"

"Well we were just told that our engagement is off, so I know you're happy about that, but I wanted to make sure you're okay. You seemed pretty upset about... everything that just happened," Jon presses his lips into a fine line.

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