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In the time since returning home, Izumi has started her Earth Bending practice with Bolin. Izumi has fun learning how to earth bend with Bolin. It definitely didn't come as easy as water bending, but it wasn't as hard as fire bending.

Firelord Iroh has passed down the torch as Izumi's fire bending teacher over to Mako. Iroh wishes he could still teach Izumi more, but he has Firelord duties to attend to. Mako is an amazing teacher, thanks to him Izumi is able to generate lightning. Izumi's fire has even changed from light blue to a deeper blue that it's almost purple.

Lady Izumi was finally able to come to terms about the truth of her lineage. She is even planning on going to the Spirit World soon with Izumi. Once Izumi improves her earth bending, her grandmother will accompany her to Air Temple Island where Izumi will train with Jinora.Before going to Air Temple Island, they will go to the Spirit World by going through the portal in Republic City. Not only will Jinora be training Izumi in air bending, but she will also show Izumi how to connect more with the spiritual side of being the Avatar. Instead of relying on the portals to take Izumi to the Spirit World, she will be able to meditate there instead.

Lu Ella and Izumi don't see each other as often as they used to. Lu Ella is busy with school while Izumi trains. It makes the time they do spend together special. Jon is slowly getting over his infatuation of Izumi. He goes  to the palace every now and then. Their friendship is becoming what it used to be before Jon started to develop feelings for Izumi.

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Laurel comes into Izumi's room one night. It intrigues Izumi because she doesn't remember asking Laurel for anything.

"Is everything okay, Laurel?" The princess asks and sets down the book she was reading.
Laurel takes a deep breath, "Yes, Princess, but I do have some things to confess."

Izumi didn't expect that and she doesn't know what Laurel is about to say, "Oh, um, okay. What is it?"

"I was the one who put the letters in your bag when you left for the Southern Water Tribe. Oh, and I also was the one who left you the note that told you to go to the Dragonbone Catacombs," Laurel confesses.

This is not what Izumi expected, "Why? Have you known the truth this whole time?" Izumi asks Laurel, almost a little hurt that Laurel has been hiding the truth all these years.

Laurel quickly shakes her head, "No, Princess, of course not. My grandmother who was a nurse told my mother a story as she was growing up and later my mother passed that story down to me. I didn't think much about that story, but when I saw you water bend for the first time, it became clear to me that the story I was told was actually true. I believe my grandmother delivered your grandmother"

"What story? Can you tell me," The princess asks.
Laurel nods, " 'There was a beautiful princess with blue eyes like the ocean. There was a prince with golden eyes like the sun. The world was at war. The princess and the prince were enemies because of the war. The princess had a friend who could stop the war, but the prince wanted to capture her friend. The princess and her friend traveled all across the world to escape the prince and so the princesses' friend could stop the war. The prince would hunt down the princess and her friends and every so often the princess and the prince would do battle. This went on for a while before the prince realized he was wrong. He joined the princess and her friends and together they helped stop the war. Over the course of their journey together the princess and the prince fell in love. Unfortunately the prince had to marry someone else because some people didn't think the princess was a real princess when in fact she was. But this didn't stop the princess and prince from being in love. They were so in love they had a child together and never told anyone. They felt it was best no one knew what they did. The prince only ever told one person and the princess never told her family. The prince's wife raised the baby girl as her own  Although the princess and prince couldn't be together, they still loved each other so much and were content with the time they spent together"

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