I - Avatar Izumi

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It's early in the morning and Izumi sits in her sewing room working on her latest creation. She is carefully sewing on the delicate red beads onto her red dress. Although her 16th birthday has passed, her father insists on celebrating. Izumi is working on the dress she will be donning to her celebration which is tomorrow. She is nearly done and only adding in some final touches. Creating her own clothes is her passion and she discovered it only a few years ago. The only thing she has that wasn't made by her is her school uniform which she is currently wearing. Izumi winces, she accidentally pricks her finger with the needle when someone barges in through the door.

"Princess, your car is her to take you to school. Lu Ella is waiting for you." Xan tells Izumi.

"Thank you, Xan." Izumi says as she stands and is escorted through the palace by Xan to get into her transportation. She is greeted and bowed to by servants as she walks through. She smiles and greets all of them. She arrives at the front door where her father, Firelord Iroh is waiting for her. She bows.

"Good morning, Izumi." The Firelord greets his daughter.

"Good morning, father." She smiles at him.

"I will be in meetings most of today, so if I don't see you before the fashion show, please be safe." He places a gentle hand on Izumi's shoulder.

She nods and smiles, "Of course I will."

He gives Izumi a hug, "Have a good day at school," and they part ways. The Firelord goes into the throne room for his meetings while the Princess goes outside and is helped into the car that will take her to school. Xan sits in the front passenger seat. Inside the car sits her best friend, Lu Ella.

"Good morning, Umi." Lu Ella says cheerfully.

"Good morning, Lu." Izumi responds just as cheerfully.

The car starts to leave the palace and out the gates, but the driver has trouble due to the crowd of people trying to get a glance of the Princess of the Fire Nation and their future Firelord. The flashes of cameras, the screams of Fire Nation citizens, the proclamations of love is all that Izumi is used to. The driver honks the horn of the car and clears a path to safely drive the Princess to school.

Upon arriving at school, Izumi is greeted by everything that she has just left behind at the palace. Flashing cameras, the shouting of reporters, and the looks of awe from classmates are all things Izumi has grown accustomed to. Xan gets out of the car and clears away for Princess Izumi to walk safely inside. Xan helps Izumi through the crowd. Lu Ella walks behind them.

The three of them make it safely inside of the school. Xan hands Izumi her backpack and he leaves. Izumi is greeted by several of her classmates as she walks through the halls. Izumi tries her best to greet everyone who greets her. The girls have a few minutes before they needed to be in class so they stood outside of the classroom talking about their plans for the fashion show later today.

"Yeah, I'll go home after school and then come over to the palace." Lu Ella says to Izumi.

"Or you can just come home with me and I can let you borrow some of my clothes." Izumi smiles.

"Really? That would be great!" Lu Ella says excitedly.

The girls hear footsteps approaching them but don't pay attention since everyone was on their way to class. It's only when the voice speaks up they realize who it was,

"You know what would be great? If you say yes to going on a date with me, Izumi." Jon says cockily and his group of friends laugh behind him.

Izumi mentally prepares herself for the conversation that's about to begin.

Avatar: Princess IzumiWhere stories live. Discover now