Kyla Nelson P.O.V

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Banks was approaching me.

He had an apple laptop on his fancy table. I recognized as well that there was no pictures of his family. He cleared his throat acquiring my attention. I quickly fix my gaze onto him.

"Miss Nelson, I will be asking you a simple question but be very careful of your answer. I demand the truth at all times. After all it wouldn't be wise to lie to Me." he told me in a vicious stern yet soft tone. At this moment I felt like the earth could open up and take me in. The look in his eyes changed and it was fiery. It was like the devil himself intimidating me. He had a demanding voice as well. I could tell that this man is not someone you would want to piss off and get on his bad side.
" I know everyone that works here and the reason they work here but I don't know your reason for working here. That bothers me. I always like to be in the know. So..." he said while admiring me.

"Why are you working here?" he asked.

I personally didn't think it is any of his business but he is the boss and I do need this job.

"I have responsibilities. Like all the other workers in your club, I need the money. I have rent to pay plus my biggest reason for being here is to be able to take care of my baby." I replied. Before I could explain who my baby was he stopped me. The look on his face changed again. He was now looking disgusted.

He looked a bit upset.

Like he could break a few things. I hope he was not thinking about breaking me. It was clear on his face that my time in his office was up.

"You may leave my presence now Miss Nelson," he said with a low deep voice. It was a relief to know that this intimidation was over and I still have my job. Getting up from this comfortable chair to leave his office.

"Miss Nelson, one more thing." He calls out. I turn slightly to stare at him.

"To answer your first question I am not the big boss. I am the CEO or if you want to make it simple you can call me the owner. I do tend to own every and anything or person I want. Close the door behind you on your way out." He said. I release the breath I didn't realize I was holding until I shut the door. He was handsome, a bit moody but arrogant and arrogant isn't my cup of tea. But thankfully I still have my job. Smiling to myself I headed for the back door that would lead me home.

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