CHAPTER SIXTEEN| The Virgin Stripper

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Gideon's P.O.V

Damn this meeting lasted longer than I have expected, and my phone is dead. Well I am now a few millions richer with this new contract that I was able to obtain from some competitors. I wonder what the best thing would be I could do to celebrate. Usually this would be amazingly easy because I was a bachelor but now, I have Kyla who is going to be mad like the last time when I just disappeared on her. I left the building and head to the parking lot to get my car. I thought I would charge my phone then call heron the way home. "Sigh. The nagging that I am about to face will surely drive me insane. I hope I can get the right gift that would cushion her into avoiding the nag." I said to myself. I drove off and headed towards home. There was a bit of traffic as well, so it was taking a bit longer for me to get home. The phone was now at thirty percent so I thought I would check my missed calls and voicemails while waiting in the traffic. As expected, there was over fifteen calls from Kyla. I rub the back of my neck knowing the trouble I would face once I am home. I tried calling her cell hoping I could let her vent over the phone so it would not be so bad once I am home but all I got was voicemails. Was this pay back? Is this the way she feels when she tries to call me and get my voicemail?

I was feeling irritated, but I kept calm about it. After all I guess this would be what they call karma. After almost an hour of driving and traffic I was finally home, where I was greeted by Shane and the look on his face which was not pleasant. It was as if he was bothered by something that he was not prepared for. That gave me an alarm because Shane is a focus man and always like to be prepared for anything. So, seeing him in that state is definitely not something I am used to. "What's going on here Shane? Why are you looking as if the worst has happened?" I ask him as I got out of the car and removed my jacket that I was wearing. "I am afraid the worst might have happened sir and I was not able to stop it from happening." he replied. That comment made me more concern. I really hate when any miss ups happen because I am a man that like to think I have everything under my control. "What are you talking about?" was my next question to him. "It has come to my attention that Miss Nelson has not yet return sir and I have the gut feeling that something is wrong. Miss Nelson does not strike me as the type of lady that would be out this late without checking in at least one time to check on her little sister." he said. Once I heard that I walked pass him and enter my home then summon all maids, butlers, securities and drivers that I had. I needed information that would lead me to Kyla, and I needed it quick. I have a bad temper and the last thing I would need is a motive to let it take control of me. 

"Can someone tell me where Kyla is and why has she not returned yet? Also why was she allowed to leave the compound without any bodyguards?" I blurted out in frustration. I noticed that Martha was trying to say something, so I gave her permission to speak freely. "She was trying to get a hold of you sir. It seems there was an emergency of some sort and she was not able to get to you to let you know what was going on so she took her own initiative and left." she said. "Left for where?" I asked hoping to get some answers. "She did not say. She only said she was going to help out a friend." said Martha. I thought to my self for a minute. Kyla does not have a lot of friends so now I was given some whereto start searching for her. "Shane why did she left without letting you take her to wherever she wanted to go?" I asked. "I don't know sir. That is what is bothering me. It seemed she called a cab." he replied. With that I took my phone and called Marco. I asked him to track Kyla's where about using her GPS. Marco is also my technology personnel. He would be able to locate her. After five minutes he told me that Kyla is at my club, the Forbidden Dolls. That was a sigh of relief for me, but thoughts went through my mind. What was she doing there in the first place? Has she forgotten about the contract? Why is she so stubborn? I got Shane to drive me there along with a few of my securities. Upon arrival I looked around for Damion, hoping he would explain to me why Kyla was here. I also told my bodyguards to spread out and find her. I went to Damion's office where I saw him going through some paperwork. "Why was Kyla here tonight?" I asked him as I poured myself some scotch to help ease my mind. "She was here to help out Sherina. There was some emergency with her mother, and she asked Kyla to fill in for her. Kyla said she was trying to get to you but got nothing but voicemails so I told her to help out just for tonight." he said while getting up out of his chair to pour himself some of this scotch. I do not know what it was but the more I heard that Kyla was trying to reach out to me, the more I blamed myself. God, I hope she is fine. "So, excuse me for asking Gideon but are you and her you know, in a relationship?" Damion asked. I was not prepared for that question especially now where I am worried about her. "That is of no relevance right now. Just pray I find Kyla here and she is safe and sound." I commanded. Just as I said that my security guards were all back, but I did not saw Kyla with them. "Sir we didn't find her, but we found her cell in the bathroom on the floor." said one of the guards. The rage that came over me was long overdue. I smashed the cup with the scotch that I was drinking in it on the wall. "Find her!!!" I shouted with anger. "She can't just disappear like that! Someone must have seen her somewhere. Get me answers now!" I commanded. I was furious as hell. Where could she be? And the fact that her phone was found, and she had not made me more worried. I also had a guilty feeling inside because if I had only answered my phone in time, I would have at least know her where about. I closed my eyes for a few minutes and think back about what I knew so far. Just then it came to me. She was doing Sherina a favor so maybe she is with her. "Damion get me Sherina on your phone now." I said. He got to it right away and in just a minute he dialed Sherina number and put her on speaker. It was his phone, but I wanted to talk to Sherina myself. "Hey Damion, what's up? Sorry I was not able to make it to work tonight. I'm sure Kyla is ripping it up tonight though in my spot." said Sherina. "Sherina its Gideon, your CEO. Is Kyla with you?" I asked. "No, she is not. I asked her to cover for me tonight so she should be at the club. Is everything ok?" she asked. I then got upset once again. The fact that Kyla was not with Sherina only meant that she was in some danger and it hurts every fiber of my being when I am nowhere close to finding her. I gave the phone back to Damion to finish the conversation with Sherina and went to sit for a minute. "Where are you Kyla?" I asked myself as I covered my face with my hands. I was feeling down as if my soul has died inside of me. Damion wanted to call the police to file a missing report, but I told him not to do such thing. I had my own resources that I was definitely planning to get involve to find my damsel in distress.

As I was going through my contacts to get down to business, one main suspect came to my mind. Marcus Banks. My father. With no hesitation I called Shane and my bodyguards and told him to take me to Marcus home. "Sir are you sure? Marcus owns an army that make it extremely hard to get to him." said Shane. He is right. My father is an undercover drug lord and he has a fortress along with an army which would make it very stupid to challenge him at his residence, but Kyla meant more to me than my own life right now. "Take me there at once. I'm sure Marcus would be delighted to see me at his home after all this time." I replied. We left the club in a hurry and drove over to my childhood home. "Damn. He is heavily guarded." I mumbled to myself. Our vehicles were stopped by Marcus minions for a search. I saw when one of them made a call and then we were told to enter. I got out of the car along with my bodyguards and headed inside. Just as I saw Marcus a rush of anger took me over and I pulled my glock forty from my side and pointed it straight to his forehead. This caused a huge uproar between his bodyguards and mine. We were surely outnumbered, but I did not give one fuck at the moment. "Where is she you sick fuck?" I blurted out at him. "Gideon my boy. What a pleasant surprise. Welcome home." he replied while ignoring my question. This made me even more upset, so I went closer to him and took my gun off safety. "Now be careful with that son. The last thing we would need is for my living room to become the Wild West with all these guns here." said Marcus. He was right so I took a deep breath then tuck my gun back on my side. "Where is she Marcus?" I asked him once more as I took a seat at his center table. "Now that we are settled, we can talk. I don't know who it is you are asking about." he replied. "I am talking about Kyla Nelson. She was staying with me at my home. She is now missing, and she is the person that I am asking about." I told him. There was a bit of silence after I mentioned her name which told me that he knows something about her. "I have not seen her, but I know of her. She is that beautiful girl that you are trying to start a family with. I think she is the one for you." he said sounding a bit sarcastic to me. "Do you know where she is or not Marcus? I don't have the luxury of time to be messing around with you right now." I explained to him. He took a deep breath then said to me "Look, I know exactly what you are thinking about, but I am not that type of monster. Family is sacred so I do not mess with them. If I want something and the person, I want it from is giving me a hard time I just take what I want from them. And if it happens that they are killed in the process it stops there. I do not tend to attack anyone in their family. So, to properly answer your question I have not seen or taken Kyla." I was at a next dead end in finding her and to make it worst I do not know where else to look. Where are you Kyla?

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