Chapter five

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James' POV

"Is that the last of them?" James asked, glancing at her bob head figurines. He found them  unnerving..

"Yeah. That's the last of them," Mallory said. "Let's go downstairs, I want to see the last of them," she added, already opening the door.

James followed her to the living room where her parents and her brother were talking.

"Are you settled in dear?" her mother asked in her shrilly tone. James thought it sounded like nails scratching glass.

Mallory didn't answer but just stared indifferently at her mother.

"Don't worry dear. After we are done touring the companies we will come back and get you. You are the one who clearly said you did not want a part in this trip. Your uncle will be a gracious host," her father added.

"I'm not worried at all. I'm just wondering why you won't just admit you are dumping me here," Mallory asked shrugging.

Her mother looked taken back.
James noticed that her eyebrows were drawn too high up.
She looks permanently surprised, he thought,  biting back a smile.

Robin cleared his throat and said," Leave her be. I'm sure James will be a fit company for her. They both share the same passion for not-business," he said with a coy smile.

His father glared at him before Mallory piped up and said, "Okay then. I have to go. James has promised to show me around and I guess we can start now."

James was not expecting this but decided to go with the flow. She was also giving him an excuse to leave the house.

"Yeah. She is right. We planned out our whole month with activities that will raise the business soul in us," James said, trying to keep a straight face.

They quickly left the living room and headed towards the kitchen, where James let out a chuckle.

"That was quick thinking. I owe you one," he said.

"I did it for myself. But I am serious. Show me where you mostly hang out," Mallory said.

James could never figure out his cousins' lack of portraying any emotions. He thought he might take her to the local library but decided to take her to where he was more familiar with. The bookstore. He really had no cool hangouts.

"OK. I have somewhere in mind. But it's a bit far, so we have to take the bikes,"James said, already leading her to the garage.

When they got in the garage, Mallory stopped, her mouth portraying the hint of a surprise.

"Do you drive any of these cars?" she asked.

"I don't have a license yet." And even if I get one, I don't plan on driving them.

"You are lucky. I have a license. Let's get that," she said, pointing to a blue'''''''''''''""'"""""". Before James could protest, she had already grabbed the keys from the key-cot on the garage wall.

So much for subtlety, he thought as he got in beside her.
She ran her hands on the leather upholstery of the car, a wild gleam in her eyes.

"I told my father I wanted to be a drag-race driver. I wrecked seven cars by the time I turned fourteen. My father banned me from driving any cars at home. I am sure we will have a rocky time!" she exclaimed, visibly excited.

"Look, I think we should take the bikes. You are not doing anything to reassure me of your driving-"

James never got to finish his words as the car tore from the garage like a bullet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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