07 || 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃

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Karai returned to the Sacks Estate to meet up with Master Shredder and give him the update on the mission

She is still shaken up about those vigilantes coming out of nowhere and interfering with the mission. She was terrified of those things, scared for her life, and felt like she couldn't defend herself at that moment. The only thing she could do was retreat back to base and tell her Master what happened.

Shredder has just finished testing Karai's soldiers with a short dual. Each one he tested, they were knocked out with hardly any effort. And of course, being the cruel villain he is, he magically gets his wrists out of the ropes he was staged with. He comments on the skills of the Foot to Karai. "Your men are weak." Shredder growled in Japanese, coming up to Karai, cracking and rolling his neck for relief. "It's no surprise your mission failed."

"We couldn't have anticipated the vigilantes showing up at the docks, Master Shredder." Karai tells him in English.

Shredder looks down at her. "And the animal?"

"No sign of her. We're still looking." She replied, her hands behind her back.

"Hm." Shredder grumbled. "You have been trained for such contingencies." He says firmly, yet disappointed.

"But we've never seen an enemy like this...Their size. Their strength. They're not human." Karai says, letting fear come through her voice.

Shredder couldn't believe such a thing. He may have seen Rose mutate into something out of this world, but hearing nonsense about big vigilantes he's never heard of? Get outta here! "I don't believe in fairytales." He says in English. "It's what society wants to reduce the Foot Clan to. A myth... The Foot Clan will rise again. Capture the vigilantes however you can. Use innocent people as bait. No one will stop us in our quest to reclaim victory. We will own this city."

"Yes, Sensei." Karai gave her Master an understanding gesture.

"Karai." Shredder says, stopping her in her walk to the exit.

She turns to him. "Yes?"

"That animal," He crosses his arms. "Her abilities are maturing. I wouldn't be surprised if she interfered with one of your missions." Shredder growls.


April did what she could to tell her job she had seen Foot activity and a mysterious vigilante. She knew if she kept pushing her boundaries then she would be fired on the spot. But she needed to take a break from it by going to a small gathering where people can meet a famous man. Eric Sacks is speaking publicly to the city tonight and April really wanted to see him after many years of his absence.

She's dressed in a fine black dress with her hair flowing behind her. She stands behind her cameraman Vern, who is shooting live with his camera.

The announcer comes over the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the NYPD's benefactor, Eric Sacks!"

The audience applauds, whistling, and gave him the respect he supposedly deserves. Sacks comes up on stage with a tight suit and a great attitude. "Thank you, thank you. Please, sit down." He says, watching the audience settle and sit in their seats. "I have to say it is wonderful to see so many people out here tonight. Especially in a neighborhood so hard-headed by the Foot's crime wave. Years ago, my life was touched by tragedy." He pauses. "I was a young scientist working with a world-class team and cutting edge research. And our laboratory was attacked, set fire, robbed by the cowards they call themselves the Foot Clan. Several of my employees lost their lives that day and it is in their honor and memory."

April is becoming very inspired by this man that her beloved father knew so well. She smirked at his speech the more he went on.

Sacks continues. "And at Sacks Industries-- whether through Sacks Bio-med, Sacks Robotics, or Sacks Construction, will remain committed to keeping the city of New York, our city... safe."

𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝙸 ♡ (ᵗᵐⁿᵗ '14) 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷 ❪✓❫Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon