Chapter 8

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     Sunday passed in a quick manner. Nothing too eventful occurred, the entire day was spent on me trying to process the events of the previous night. The only solid plan I had from now on was to avoid the crown prince of Zemira at all costs from now on. I had gone back to the library to return The History of Zemira back to its rightful place.

     A knock on the wooden door of my bedroom halts my thoughts. I quickly fix my off duty plain white shirt and black knee length skirt. I head to the door and peer through the peephole. A head of thick raven hair greets my eyes and I know exactly who it is.

     "Lizzy!" I greet her as I swing the door open quickly to let her into my bedroom. She walks into my room and ungraciously plops herself down onto my bed.

     "Where did you disappear off to last night at the ball?" she assaults me quickly with her question.

     "I could ask you the same thing missy," I cross my arms and shake my head in a fake exaggerated disappointed manner.

     "I asked you first!" she points her finger at me. I shake my head again and sigh. I can't tell her I met the crown prince.

     "I headed to my room after an hour," I lied to her smoothly. I cringe internally at myself for lying to the only person who potentially cares about me in this world.

     "Oh, she looks down sadly. I am so so sorry if I made you feel left out when I went dancing yesterday. I should've just stayed with you," she rambles on before I cut her off.

     "No Lizzy, you did nothing wrong I'm just not a party person I guess," I lied again. I hate that I have to lie to her but I have been here less than one week. I need to make sure she is trustworthy before I tell her anything. This could put my parents even more at risk if I trust the wrong person.

     We catch up for a couple hours after that conversation. By the time she leaves, the sun has set and the new work week starts tomorrow. Before bed I decide I want to write some notes on my discoveries in the palace for my days here. Mostly to gather my thoughts.

     Firstly, my parents were royalty and died mysteriously before my birth. They have the same last name as the King of Zemira. When I was reading the history book I then saw that my father and the King were brothers. The same last name bound them, Laurelli.

     But yesterday, when I met the crown prince he introduced himself as Nathaniel Raze. His last name does not match the king. Is the king not his biological father? Nathaniel seems to resemble his mother the Queen but, he looks nothing like the king. Am I related to the crown prince?

     I finish my notes and stare at them. I feel like nothing that I have found is helping me find my parents. My poor parents who I have not seen in almost an entire week. They could be dead, being tortured, kidnapped, why else would they leave a note to not look for them. What went wrong?

     I hate having questions with no answers. The answers I do get give me more questions. My brain feels like it might explode out of frustration. I put my head down onto my hands and let my tears flow.

     I need to get this out of my system. I need to let myself cry and feel the sadness, grief, and fear I have been suppressing for the entire week. I walk to my bed with sobs shaking my entire body. Tears that seem the size of tennis balls come out of my eyes and stream down my face and soak my shirt.

     The memories I cherished now haunt me. I miss their smiles, their laughs, their jokes, their stories, their entire beings. I miss my mom giving me a hug in moments like these where I felt overwhelmed. I missed my dad's nasty attempts at making pancakes during christmas. He always burnt the outside and left the insides raw.

     I miss having family dinners almost every night and talking about our days. I was closer to my parents than anyone else I knew. I would do anything to hug them again, to find them.

     I lay down in a fetal position on my bed and hold onto my pillows tight. After this no more crying, I promise to myself and my missing parents. I will save my tears for when I find them. I need to stay strong.

Authors Note:

I am so sorry for not posting in almost two months! A lot has been going on lately, and I was also procrastinating. Those are my two crappy excuses :)

xoxo -Ellie Violet

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