I Lied. Chapter 52

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Guess Who Got Some Free Time To Write? This Girl!!!

Tony cleaned up one of the Jokers messes once again. "Why cant you just not?!" Tony screamed. Joker looked confused; then broke into a laughing fit.

Tony got ready to punch Joker when Batman kicked down the door and threw Loki in. "How do you even?!"

Tony looked at him " I know right it just-" Tony started

"A complete and ultimate-" Batman continued

"Overload of awesomeness?" Joker and Loki asked at the same time, both receiving glares. Thor cocked his head and Clint laughed.

"So in the end you both quit?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

Tony looked at Joker and punched him in the face. Batman frowned. "HEY! Only I can hit him."

He turned and punched Loki and Tony hit Joker again. Pepper and Steve walked in and looked back in forth at Tony and Batman; frowning and punching .

Clint walked over to them and smiled. "So this happened." 

They shook their heads. "Should we help?" Pepper asked.
 Thor roared and began punching Batman everytime he hit Loki, but that did not stop the process.

Clint shook his head this time. "Nah, lets go eat." They all nodded and headed out leaving them to their punching war.

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