Chapter 18

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"Tony, I think you have had enough." Bruce said after a while.

"I think you look handsome." Clint chuckled.

"Let them keep on going."

"He is on his 10th drink" Steve stated.

Thor chuckled. " I am different from my brother Anthony."

Tony went to the fridge and grabbed the milk carton. Bruce had an idea of what was about to happen. " Tony, no"

Tony threw the milk and it splashed on everyone.

"Damnit Tony!" Thor chuckled, and downed another drink. Loki walked in and examined the scene.

"Seems complicated." He said.

Clint tossed some milk on him. "All because you cant handle your liquor."

Loki sighed. "This was a new suit." Tony ran over and jumped on Loki. "Katy Perry! In my house, how bout that birdman!"

"Get off me Stark!"

"But-but I thought we were a family"

Loki pushed him off and made ruby slippers appear in his hand.

"Oh my God!" Tony took the shoes and slipped them on.

"When I think of home I think of a place…"

Steve frowned. " This is not funny"

"I know he is already home, its pretty sad." Clint chuckled.

"Then why are you recording it Clint."

"I win!" Thor clapped happily.

"No!" Tony ran over and grabbed some more drinks. "Round 2!"

Steve looked at Bruce; who nodded. "I think we should go get the girls"

Loki sat on the couch and watch the scene. Another 5 drinks later, they returned.

Pepper gasped. "Tony!"

"Ginny Weasley!"

Loki walked over to Thor. " You okay?"

"Do I want to play?"

Natasha rounded on Clint. "You are supposed to be his friend you cant keep him from over-drinking!?"

"Hey I'm a grown man laaady!" He quickly gulped down another drink.

Fury Busted through the door, Loki grabbed Thor and vanished.

Tony bust out laughing, "Boom went the door!"

Fury looked at Steve. " Get him up! We have all call of a giant chicken across the sea."

Tony laughed harder "Walk into the club like what up I got a big-"


"Ok ok oh kay! Lets go"

Fury looked at Tony in disgust before walking out.

Bruce looked at Steve. "Pay up."

With a sigh he gave Bruce 5 dollars.

"Giant chickens who would have guessed."

"Ginny where is your wand!" Tony shouted at Pepper.

Clint growled as help Tony into his suit.

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