Chapter 44

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"Really Tony?" Clint asked looking around the house, It had been decorated with bright pink and red hearts. Loki shook his head. "What happens during this day?"

Clint stared at him in shock. "You don't know?" Loki shook his head and Clint laughed. "Oh well."

"Anyway. Natasha and Steve…huh" Tony grinned. "We have to hook them up."

Loki groaned. "Must we meddle in their business?"

Clint rolled his eyes. "If you didn't want to "meddle" why did you tell us in the first place?"

A knock on the door made Loki smile. "I'll get it." He opened it and Wynter along with Suheyla walked in. "yea we are a bit early so what?" Wynter joked. Mizra ran through the door. "Gaaawd you all walk fast."

Suheyla laughed. "So what is left to do?"

"Wait for the rest of the guest." Tony said with a smile. Pepper and Natasha came down the stairs. "Wow! So bright." Tony smiled and grabbed Pepper. "I know right I'm so awesome."

Wynter look at Suheyla and smiled, they went upstairs and Loki raised an eyebrow. Thor came in next with Jane. Natasha smiled at them.

Bruce and Steve walked in laughing. Tony pushed Loki towards Natasha, and then went to Steve. Loki offered her his hand and she took it. Tony just grabbed Steve and pushed him towards them.

Jennay and Magic skipped in and looked around. "Whoa looks like a love just vomited all over this place… yuk." Jenna chuckled.

Thor excused him self and headed upstairs; Wynter and Suheyla went around him and headed back down.

Steve looked back at Tony confused. Loki moved Natasha closer to him and took a step back. "Hello Tasha." Steve said with a smile. She smiled back and opened her mouth to say something.

"BROTHER WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" Everyone looked up startled. Thor came stomping down the stairs with a pregnancy test and a letter in his hand.

Loki rolled his eyes. "Meaning of what, Thor?" He shoved the test in Loki's face and put the letter in his hands.

He looked over the letter.

Your test is accurate, when did another test to be sure. Congratulations Mr. Laufeyson you are healthy and pregnant.

His eyes widened and he looked at the test there was two lines. Clint face-palmed and looked over at Wynter and Suheyla who were turning red trying to hold in their laughter.

Pepper laughed. "I knew it! Knew I wasn't crazy." Loki groaned and Thor gave him a pat on his back.

Thor placed his hammer down and went back upstairs. Natasha slipped away during the conversation Tony looked around and snapped. Clint and Loki looked his way and nodded.

Jenny grabbed Magic they went and grabbed Bruce. "Uhhh can you do us a favor and rage?" He raised an eyebrow. "Uhm inside?"

They nodded and smiled. "Maybe a little later." He said and looked around the room.

Loki cocked his head. "So since none of us can lift this how is it going to work really?"

"Just do it Loki!" Clint shouted. Loki rolled his eyes and snapped. Multiple Mjolnir showed up scattered around the room. Clint threw a box over the real one.

Jenny gasped and picked up one of the fake ones. "I am the mighty Thor!"

Magic picked one up slowly and threw it at Mizra.; who ducked it.

Mizra chuckled and handed Tony a gift. " For you." He opened it and a pie smashed in his face. Thor came down and paused at the sight of all the Mjolnirs. Jenny threw the one she had at him. "I choose you Pikachu!"

Tony and Clint walked up to each other. "Operation matchmaker is more difficult than I thought. Whoa who got you" Clint said, looking at Tony's stained suit.

He groaned "Mizra." Clint laughed in his face. "Well hold off on the pranks. We gotta get the love birds together."

Tony nodded and ducked at one of the fake hammers went flying past his head. Thor roared and picked up another one. "Try this." He said tossing it to Mizra who caught it and swung it around.

"Damn it! You know what…Natasha and Steve if you two will confess yall love to each other we can get on with our lives."

"What?!" They screamed in unison. Tony grabbed Natasha's hand and Steve's. "Loki told us al about how you two talk to each other in secret on the chat. It's cute and you two dating would be great too."

Natasha blushed. "No…That person was ugh! Bruce."

Bruce smiled and Tony burst into laughter. Loki raised an eyebrow. "So Steve who were you talking about.?"

"Oh um…..Pepper." Tony face-palmed. "Everybody get out."

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