maybe you could have prevented whatever the hell this was?

yeah...what even is this?

the last thing you remembered were those stormtroopers giving you that injection.

"oh shit" you whispered with a raspy tone. you realized that whatever they gave you caused you to grow extremely weak and pass out.

at least you knew that the substance was still in your body...

but who would do that? were there some dirty officers and generals in the order whose goal was to kill you? you didnt have any enemies that you could think of off the top of your head that would do this. then your mind went over to people who werent enemies, but friends.

kylo? oh, he wishes he had the balls to do such thing. you knew he cared for you too much, and he wouldn't do such an act. plus, if he wanted to do something, he would've just sliced you in half- he is real classy like that.

jaxx? maybe he was-

"who the fuck am i kidding?" you rolled your eyes at the wall. you had no clue what, who, and why this was happening...but you knew it wasnt going to head well.

you then heard a click from the door, signaling that the door had been opened. you lifted your eyes and they instantly went wide.

"hux?" you said, trying to scream. hux and you both knew that you were in horrible shape because you didnt call him huxy.

"y/n." he simply replied.

"get me the hell out of here! i need to-" you cut yourself off quickly. you knew for a fact that he wasnt there to save you because you could sense the pure evil radiating off of him-

he was there to kill you.

you knew that you should have been beyond fearful, but were mad.

you were mad that your fate lay in the hands of a ginger haired man named huxy.

"okay then huxy...when you kill me, could you have someone else do it instead? like a stormtrooper or something? oh and by the way, dont even think about asking kylo to do it- if you even started to say that sentence to him, you would be rolling on the ground...literally." you said. even though you were struggling in an inhuman amount of pain, you couldnt resist making a snarky remark.

"you still have that unfiltered mouth i see? im surprised that luke didnt help you fix that."

your heart immediately dropped. how did he know? you didnt even tell kylo, or jaxx, or etta and piers where you were going, yet they were your closest people. hell, you didnt even know where you were going until you got onto that ship. kylo didnt figure out your location when you had that short forcelink with him because he would've come way earlier. "how did you know where i went?" you questioned.

"oh, you are so oblivious sometimes. you seriously think that you would be able to just leave freely...whenever you want?"

"yes. that is literally exactly what i thought. i didnt know that this was some type of cult, but...okay."

"well, you were wrong once again then. we tracked you." hux smirked, knowing this would throw you back.

you face quickly became emotionless. did kylo seriously track you down- specifically when you told him not to? this entire thing was not adding up.

"we?" you nearly yelled.

"oh oh oh. i meant me. your little boyfriend is too much of a wuss to do it." lots if weight lifted off your shoulders hearing this. at least kylo listened, but why was hux doing this?

broken as i • a kylo ren storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora