Anthony goes off on another embarrassed tangent about not being that good.

As he does, Anton just smiles, now holding the anger inside. He has no idea who this Joey is, but taking Anthony to a romantic restaurant like that, alone at night, that did not sit well with him.

Biting his tongue, the brunette tries to let his anger simmer away, he shouldn't worry. After all, Anthony just told him he loves him, no way that Joey guy can take that away.

So the anger slowly leaves and Anton is able to enjoy the rest of the meal with his darling.

Ten minutes later and the two walk out, heading back to the car with big grins on their faces.

"A free meal, not too bad of a time." said Anthony.

"I agree, though hopefully the next time we get a free meal it's not because of an injury." said Anton, slamming his door shut.

Anthony grabs his hand and with a smirk kisses the bandaged palm once more.

"Does this help any?" asked Anthony with a playful twinkle in his eye.

"You must be magic, I think it might just be healed." Anton teased back.

The two laugh as the car starts up and the two drive off towards the radio host's house. The drive is pleasant with some playful banter and a few more palm kisses.

The house is soon in sight and Anton turns onto the tiny driveway, pulling fully into the driveway.

"Hm, not parking out front today?" asked Anthony.

"Nope, it's cleaning day tomorrow so the streets must have no parked cars." said Anton.

The two exit the car and head inside, hearing not a peep or anything.

"Hm, Natalie must still be shopping, as for Harold, he's either sleeping, passed out drunk in the tub or out for another card game." said Anton, shutting the door after his love.

"Does he do anything here besides drink?" asked Anthony.

"Yes, he helps me with my victims, he keeps the house protected and holds all the intruders in the basement till I get back, and he does magic." said Anton.

"Seriously, he's a magician?" asked Anthony.

"I don't think so, it's more of a hobby and he enjoys it, if he gets back before you have to leave have him show you." said Anton.

"I will." beamed the white haired man.

The brunette shares his smile before taking his hand and pulling him to the living room, showing off the small piano that rests in it.

The piano has a nice, shiny black wooden polish, pressed against the wall snuggly with a red cushioned seat. Anthony sits there with Anton happily taking a seat in a large brown leather chair with a high back.

"Any requests?" asked Anthony.

"Hm, how about one of your own, you have me curious what you can play off the top of your head." said Anton.

The white haired man lets out a nervous laugh before facing the piano. He thinks for a moment when something comes to him and he takes a breathe.

His fingers dance across the keys, playing soft and sweet, allowing the brunette to close his eyes, taking in the lovely sound.

"When the night comes upon us, let it's melody play to you. The world is now silent as the sun drifts away, no more worries of what must be done. As you sit upon your chair, let me sing to you, let me sing away your wary blues." sings Anthony.

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