Chapter 11 // Ending it all //

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The farther you go in space the brighter the stars get. The sun, the closest star, yet it's still millions of miles away. Maybe that's why I can't be happy. Because if I want to be happy I must reach the sun. However, in order to reach true happiness, I need to go farther, and I can't even reach the sun. If I can't even reach the sun, my world must be over. The only light I can see is Kenma. He may be my sun, but he's not the real sun. No person can grant you happiness forever. I thought someone could.  But one thing happens and everything is ruined. Now I feel so empty, now I can barely differentiate thoughts from pain. I'm numb. I look outside this bright window and wish it could rain. They say rain can bring sadness, and if can't be happy, then maybe I can be sad. 

"Rain, rain, come today, I don't want to be empty." I say out loud to myself. I just want to sit here and let all the sadness fill me up until I can feel again. Then the tears I will cry will bring more rain, so I can keep on feeling. I for sure don't want to be sad, but it must be so much better then feeling so fucking empty. I just don't want to live anymore. I mean I haven't for a while, but now, I especially don't. 

I look up and see rain falling and I start crying. I guess maybe it is better feeling empty. I start screaming.

"If feeling empty is so much better then why give me my wish! The little bit of sun giving me just the tiniest little sliver of hope! And you take it away from me..." I said. The world is such a cruel place. Why did I even have to be born here? I run out my room, the doctors surround the place, and I push through them. I run up the stairs as fast as I can. No one can keep up with me. Now I see the rooftop. The rain dripping on me, making me soaked. One one thought filled me head, and it that today is the day I take my last breath. 

"Shoyo, why? Please don't leave me." I hear Kenma say from behind me. Tears are falling down both mine and his faces. 

"You can't stop me! I am so sick of feeling so sad and empty! I can't live with this pain. This was one hell of a battle, but I am not losing it. I am so weak, no could expect me to win anyway. You can't change my mind. I know how much I love you, and how much you love me, but I can't stand this anymore." I tell him.

"Then, if I can't change your mind, let me come with you." He says. 

"You can't! You have a life worth living... I don't!" I tell him.

"If I can't change your mind, then you can't change mine. You can't just kill yourself right in front of me and expect me to want to keep living, knowing that I could have saved you! I love you more then anything. If I go back on what I said now, then my last memory of you would be of you dying. But this way we can die together, dying is never happy but dying with the person you love is so much happier." He tells me. He then grabs my hand and we walk to the edge together. We count to ten and then jump. We get so close to the bottom and I then remember...

I told myself I would live for Natsu...

I'm sorry...

Even then I don't regret my decisions...


Hello! If you haven't guessed, this is the end of this story. If you have and suggestions for some type of stories I could write please tell me. I'm about to finish the other story I'm working so when ever new story ideas pop up I'll write a new one! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! 

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