Musical Connections and Speaking in Spanish

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 Disclaimer: I do not own Netflix, Julie and the Phantoms, or any of the music!

Summary: This is set after Julie finds out that the band was messing with her aunt and trying to prove Carlos right in the beginning of episode seven. She has walked out to go meet the band in the studio. Luke is going to realize how much he loves Julie and they are going to sing together. Fluff and Angst ahead.

The boys were sitting on the couch in the studio, relishing in the adrenaline from after the show and worrying about what Julie's punishment was going to be. Luke was worried that her dad was going to make Julie quit the band. If that happened then they would never be able to show anybody their music again but more importantly, he might loose Julie. Luke didn't know what he would do if Julie wasn't there to brighten up his day. With that thought lingering in his mind, the band looked up to see their newest member barging into the garage. "Is anyone going to tell me why Tía and Carlos think that the house is haunted?" She said with an annoyed expression  and they knew that they were busted. "Umm Reggie may or may not have tried to prove Carlos right by showing them that there were ghosts in the house." Alex said with definite intimidation in his voice. Whenever he got nervous the pitch in his voice raised an octave. Julie scoffed which got Luke's attention. "That sounds about right. Well my dad didn't punish me but this is worse than any punishment. You guys have got to get it together!" Luke flinched at the harshness in her tone. He hated when Julie got mad at them. It always meant that they wouldn't write together for awhile and to Luke that was time wasted. He also noticed how he could hear her Hispanic accent coming back a little. He looked to Alex and Reggie before turning to look at Julie. "We're sorry Julie. It won't happen again." Luke said. Julie scoffed again. "Sure it won't. ¡No puedo creer que sean tan estúpidos! ¡Podrían haberte atrapado! ¡Tienes que tener más cuidado! ¿Sabes lo malo que sería si mi familia supiera que son fantasmas? ¡Papá me haría dejar la banda y volver a ver a mi terapeuta! ¡Mi tía se enloquecía y nos hacía mover! ¡Ugh! En realidad estás loco. ¡Fuera de sus mentes! ¡Estoy tan enfadada ahora mismo! Lo siento, necesito refrescarme. Volveré en una hora y podremos hablar entonces." Julie said as she was pacing. She turned around and left, probably not noticing her language change, leaving Luke, Alex, and Reggie confused and wide eyed. "Do either of you have any idea what she just said?" Alex asked, tearing his eyes away from the garage door. Luke and Reggie shook their heads. "I didn't even know she spoke Spanish." Reggie said. "Well it makes sense. She is half Hispanic." Alex said. Luke was still in a stunned trance and it took Alex waving his hand in front of his face to snap out of it. Luke licked his bottom lip and turned to his band mates. "You ok?" Reggie asked Luke, putting a hand on Luke's shoulder. Luke nodded and spoke absentmindedly in a small voice. "God, that was hot." Apparently he said it too loud because Alex and Reggie shared a knowing look and burst out laughing. Luke put his head in his hands and sighed. He knew what was coming from his friends and he didn't want them to see his blush. "Dude. You got it bad for her." Alex said while grinning. "No I don't. I don't even know why I said that." Luke said. "Don't even try to deny it cause we all know it would be a lie." Alex said. "Man, you are so in love with Julie." Reggie said with emphasis on the love part. Luke knew he wasn't going to get anywhere with denial so he gave in. "Is it that obvious?" Luke said, taking his hands away from his blushing face. "You are not very subtle." Alex said. Luke didn't like being this vulnerable around his brothers but he knew they weren't going to judge him. "Maybe I do love her, but it doesn't even matter. She's alive and I'm just... not. We would never work. I don't want to hold her back like that." Luke's voice cracked on the last part and his friends stopped laughing. "Hey. If she really likes you, then she won't care if your a ghost or not. Plus the chemistry you two have is real. It has to mean something." Alex said. Luke looked up at him and smiled sadly. "yeah you're right." Luke said. He thought back to the last time he liked someone and he realized that Julie was the first girl he had ever really liked like that. Sure, he thought that some girls were pretty before, but he had always been more focused on music. Bobby and Reggie had always been the flirts of the group while himself and Alex were more reserved. "I just realized something crazy, guys. Julie is the first girl I've ever like, like liked before." This cause them all to laugh. "She sure is special to get Luke to like her." Reggie chuckled. "You know I started a song for her." Luke said pointing to his songbook. "I might need some drums and bass for when I show Julie. You want in?" He asked. Luke wanted to play for Julie but he knew it would sound better if it had more than just one instrument. "I'm in!" Reggie said and Alex chimed in with a "Me too!" Luke smiled. "Great! wanna hear what I have so far?" They both nodded and Luke grabbed his guitar from the stand. "I only have bits and pieces of it but It's called perfect harmony." Luke slid his songbook over to them and started playing. Once he finished playing he looked over to his bandmates for their reactions. "I like it but what are these empty spaces?" Reggie asked. "Like I said, it's not finished. I don't have the lyrics for the empty parts." Alex nodded. "Well it's definitely about Julie. You two are made for each other, dude." Alex said, causing Luke to grin like a lovesick puppy. "I hope so."    

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