Chapter 2

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After an hour of being inside, they reached the outside section of the museum, the part Iztmin liked the most, the ruins. The sun shone through the ruins beautifully framing perfectly the dark and light gray, they looked awful now after being almost washed out by the colonisers, but still, what remained was amazing.
She stared at the dark gray blocks and began descending the metal stairs towards the platform.
"Alright everyone please be careful in this part. This is genuine ruins of the Mexica empire so please be careful and stay away from the bars, I don't want anyone falling"

Itzmin giggled, the advice was there for a thing and she knew it too well. To avoid getting the ruins more, well ruined, the platform stood was slightly over them so the bars were there to prevent someone from falling and injuring themselves and avoid people from stepping on the fragile ruins.

-"Hey nerd!"
The girl huffed. Throughout the whole trip, she thought she could've avoided them, guess she was wrong, they wouldn't miss a day from messing with her, that was clear.
She turned around towards the footsteps approaching her -" Mariana, Felipe, Samuel" she acknowledged them.

Mariana was a rather tall girl, with a light tan, light brown hair, and dark eyes. She was nice at first but when she realised Iztmin was taking the teacher's attention from her, she began messing and belittling her. Beside Mariana was Felipe, her best friend, he was tall with darker skin compared to Mariana, brown hair and dark eyes, he didn't talk much but when he did it was to support whatever idea Mariana had. Lastly, Samuel, Mariana's cousin, he was the shortest of the three, with slightly whiter skin than his cousin you wouldn't tell from afar they were even closely related, he had dark blonde hair and green eyes, he was nice to Itzmin but whenever Mariana was around he turned mean.

-"so you think you're better just because your dad works here?" Marina asked with an annoyed look.
-"no I don't think I'm better but he's my dad does work here"
"Children! Stay in line, don't wander off!" The teacher called them but the four of them disregarded her quickly.

Mariana pushed Itzmin and she almost fell off the platform but managed to grab the metal bars and steady herself.
-"watch it!" She said angrily but immediately regretted that.
Felipe yanked her hand off the bars and Mariana pushed her once more.
This time she lost her footing and fell from the platform. As previously said the platform wasn't high but the ruins had a lot of shark edges and loose rocks.
Luckily the ruins in that part weren't that sharp so she only got a few scratches, she stood up and began looking around for a way to get up the platform once again.

Before she could even do something Mariana jumped from the platform and landed near her, soon Samuel and Felipe followed.
Iztmin got up startled and tried to out some distance between her and her bullies.
-"We shouldn't be here. These ruins are really fragile. I'm sorry alright? Can we just go before we get scolded? Or even worse taken into prison for damaging something so old" she said as she backed away a little more to avoid them.

Mariana glared at her as she walked slowly towards where Itzmin was. -"I'm so tired of you talking all the time. I'm tired of you talking about the Mexicas like it's the only thing you know, nobody cares! Before you came I was the most intelligent in the class but of course you had to ruin it!" and with that, she  yanked Iztmin's hair and Samuel, her cousin, punched her in the gut.

Iztmin fell to the floor , the sharp pain in their stomach made her groan. Mariana stared at her and laughed. -"you better learn your lesson or you'll regret it"

The brown hair girl got up with a bit of effort and pushed Mariana. She jumped off the ruins she was standing and ran. She searched for some kind of entrance or stairs so she could get out here soon, she knew that now that she had pushed Mariana twice they were up for revenge.
The footsteps sounded nearer. The girl steadied her breath while she walked quietly and hid beside a wall.

-"search for her, we can't let her go or she'll snitch"

Anxiety prickled the browned haired girl and she sat down quietly, she had to get out of there quickly. Mariana, Felipe, and Samuel were three friends that constantly bothered her but today they were taking it too far, Itzmin knew this and she feared what could happen if she was found by any of them.
After Iztmin took a few seconds to calm down she stood up and began looking around to see if she could find the exit while being careful not to give away where she was hiding.

-"found her"

Iztmin turned around, Samuel had a smirk on his face, something in his eyes made her hopes of him letting her go, disappear as quickly as they came. The girl tried to run but Samuel grabbed her arm and stopped her, Itzmin pulled and tried to get free but no avail. Soon enough Mariana and Felipe arrived.
The olive skin girl punched Samuel,  finally freeing her arm she ran as fast as she could and tried her best to avoid getting seen by her classmates.

Iztmin saw the Tzompantli and decided to hide there, it was one of the few stable enough ruins that she could find. The girl looked around the platform and saw a crack on the Tzompantli ,she had to squish through but she was able stay still without getting any scratches. Since the Tzompantli was still not complete there was a wide opening, wide enough for her to sit.
The place was narrow and some human skulls were stuck in the walls, this crept Iztmin, some of them were made out of rock but others were real.

Minutes passed and she stopped hearing any footsteps

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Minutes passed and she stopped hearing any footsteps. Itzmin calmed down and thought they finally had left. But a hand suddenly reached out towards her from the tiny entrance she was hiding. She retracted from the entrance and hit the skulls behind her with her back. She huffed in pain.

From the force, some part of the Tzompantli fell loose and a skull hit her, right on the back of her head. Itzmin groaned in pain, she felt dizzy, everything around her was blurry, she started to feel weird and panicked. The dark brown haired tried to get out of there quickly but she couldn't, then everything went dark

Mariana, Felipe, and Samuel waited for a while, they didn't try to reach out for Itzmin anymore nor did they see if she was still inside the cracks, they believed she would come out soon enough in fear she might get caught, but she didn't so after minutes passed and they didn't hear a single thing they decided to leave. There was an entrance at the very end of the ruins, they opened the door and went up the stairs to find their classmates

-November 9th,2020


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