7. A warm welcome

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A week has passed by quicker than ever. George would now hang around Dream, Sapnap and Bad almost all the time. They would all eat lunch together and wait at each other's bus stops.

It was a Friday. Usually, on Fridays, Bad, Sapnap and Dream would hang out at his house. However, Bad and Sapnap needed to record their video, so now Dream was in a bus, headed to George's house.

He didn't know where George lived, so he kept asking the mute whether or not this was the right way. The brunette kept nodding, however after the sixth time of Dream asking him, George turned and frowned.

I'm not kidnapping you, dumbass. He signed quickly, making Dream chuckle. "I know, I just wanna make sure."

George rolled his eyes and pulled Dream's hand as they got off of the bus and walked across the road to a tram. The two of them hopped in and Dream offered an empty seat to George.

George sat down reluctantly and decided to stare outside of the window as the tram started to move.

After fifteen minutes of silence, George stood up and tugged Dream again. They walked across the crosswalk and down the pavement for another five minutes, before arriving at a middle sized blue house.

George unlocked the gate and walked in. He was immediately greeted by a brown puppy. He smiled and pet her, turning around and showing her to Dream proudly. Dream closed the gates and pet the dog.

"You have a nice house," Dream complimented, making George's smile twitch. He beckoned him to come in. The house was very homely, to say the least. George signed something at an older woman who's resemblance to George was uncanny.

She looked behind George and smiled when she spotted Dream. Dream waved back awkwardly. "You must be Clay!" she said warmly. Dream moved closer to shake her hand, but instead was met with a quick hug. George smiled, a tad bit embarrassed.

"Here, you look like you're cold, I'll make you both a nice cup of tea, how does that sound?" she asked kindly, and Dream sat down at the table, not wanting to be rude and decline. George sat down next to him and signed something to his mother. She laughed. Dream sat there, not knowing what to say.

A new face walked into the kitchen. A man with vibrant blonde hair and George's nose and eyes. George's father stared at Dream, then at George, then back at Dream. Dream flushed.

"I see George takes a lot after his mother, isn't that right, son?" his father asked, sitting down across from Dream and placing a hand on George's shoulder. "They both have the same taste in men."

George let out an audible gasp and frowned, his father's straight face broke into a grin and George's mother rolled her eyes. Dream felt himself turn a subtle red tint.

"Blonde hair, good looks, I'm not wrong, am I?" George's father rambled on, making Dream wheeze. His father let out a noise in surprise, "Even a similar laugh, blimey George, you really do have the same taste as your mo-"

"Robert, please!" His mother interrupted, placing the mugs on the table and giving Dream an apologetic smile, "Enough of this, look how red your son is, you'll give him a heart attack."

Dream peered over at George and she wasn't lying. George had indeed turned a very bright shade of red.

George signed something at his dad, grabbed his mug and pulled Dream by the hand. Dream snatched his mug, thanked his mother and followed George to his room. George closed the door and sat down on his bed, burying his face into his hands. Dream smiled.

George's room was extremely blue. Maybe it was his favourite colour. Dream sat down next to him and took a sip of his tea. It did warm him up almost instantly. There was a silence. Dream tilted his head.

"I really like your dad," Dream said bluntly, making George groan and push him playfully. Dream giggled into his mug, nearly spilling it over himself.

Narcissistic much? George signed and Dream threw his head back, laughing. George felt a blush creeping on his cheeks.

What do you want to do now? George asked, trying to steer the conversation away from what just happened. Dream shrugged, pointing at his laptop. "We could watch a movie."

George nodded and started his laptop, pointing to Dream and signing: You. Popcorn duty. Now.

"But, where's the popco-" Kitchen, second cabinet to the right. Now off you go.

George practically pushed Dream out of the room and closed the door. Clueless, Dream wandered into the kitchen, opening a cabinet and closing it immediately when he saw pasta.

He opened the other cabinet and dug around until he found a popcorn packet. Dream took it and put it into the microwave. He leaned on the kitchen counter, his eyes catching George's dad's, who was watching him from the living room.

"Whatcha up to?" he asked, lowering his book. Dream pointed to the microwave and smiled slightly. "Popcorn duty, according to George."

George's dad - Robert smiled and watched the fifteen year old stand around awkwardly. He hesitated, before standing up and walking over to Dream.

"Hey, all jokes aside I really want to thank you," Robert said and Dream stared at him for a few seconds, before cocking his head.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it's George. The twat hasn't had friends over for such a long time," the older man admitted and Dream snorted, "George has been much happier this past week."

Dream felt something in his gut. Happier? He couldn't stop himself from asking, it just slipped out of his lips-

"What do you mean happier? Wasn't George always a cheeky bastard?" Dream asked curiously, opening the microwave and putting them into a bowl.

"Well.. not really, he's a very shy person who keeps to himself. It's very hard - having someone in your family with selective mutism," he said and placed his hand on Dream's shoulder. "I just wanted to thank you for bringing my Georgie back."

Dream nodded, taking the bowl into his hands and giving him a small smile. "Of course, sir, it's my pleasure. George - he.. he deserves to be happy."

Robert stared at him and let out an amused chuckle. "You know... if you were to become my son-in-law, I would be satisfied."

Dream smiled. "I would be too."

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