1. The New Student

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Clay, a fifteen year old blonde haired boy, was on his way to school. It was a Tuesday morning and the sky was a dull shade of blue.

He put on his hood, stuffed his hands into his pockets and walked briskly, stopping at the crosswalk. He crossed the road quickly, checking his watch every now and then to make sure he wasn't late.

When he reached the bus stop, he leaned on the lamp and looked around. He started humming tonelessly as he waited for the bus to arrive. The bus approached a few minutes later and he got on, sitting in an empty seat near the window.

The bus started moving and Dream pressed his head against the window, closing his eyes and falling asleep. The bus drove for a few minutes, before stopping again. The blonde jerked awake, checking the stop and getting off.

He walked into the building quickly, passing by many kids he didn't even know the names of. Dream reached his locker and changed. The hallways were crowded with students running up and down the place.

Dream ignored them and entered his classroom, sitting down near an empty desk. He was greeted by a boy with black hair and an excited smile.

"Hi, Dream! Did you hear the news?" the boy asked, grinning widely. Dream looked up and raised his eyebrows. "A new student is joining our class."

"That's cool, Sapnap. Do you know when?" Dream asked in a bored tone, letting his head lie on the desk. Sapnap hummed in response. "Yeah, today. Oh, I hope it's a girl."

Dream made a grimace. "A girl? No way," he huffed in annoyance. Why were all of his friends so obsessed with girls, anyways?

"Ha, whatever you say, but in a few years you'll get yourself your own girlfriend, who'll call you the weirdest of names," Sapnap teased, making Dream avert his eyes, clearly not amused, "Oh Dream! That's what she'll say."

The bell rang and Sapnap flashed him an amused glance before going to sit down at his desk. A brunette boy sat down next to Dream. He looked very flustered.

"Maths is first, huh?" The boy asked, adjusting his glasses. Dream nodded and took out his notebook.

"Why so nervous, Bad?"

"Just ran into the principal a couple of seconds ago. I've never seen him so mad," Bad admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. Dream raised his eyebrows.

"Wonder what's up with him,"

The class immediately shut up when the teacher entered the class with the principal. They were accompanied with a brunette boy. Dream raised his head and let out a soft sigh.

"We have a new student joining our class today. Please introduce yourself," The teacher said, giving the brunette an encouraging smile. The boy didn't answer. On the contrary, he seemed to tense up a bit.

"Ah, well, I thought that would happen, didn't know it would be so severe-" The teacher stammered, flipping through his bag. The principal let out an exasperated exhale.

The boy looked like he was going to say something, but nothing came out. Dream watched curiously.

"That's alright, son. Let me handle this," the principal said kindly, placing his hand on the brunette's shoulder. The boy flinched, "Your new classmate is called George. As you may have noticed, he has a disorder. He has selective mutism."

The class exchanged looks. Dream cocked his head to the right. The brunette looked like he was going to vomit.

"This means he cannot speak in certain situations, like now for example. He will be communicating via writing things down or sign language. Please, George, take a seat," he beckoned and George lingered in place, before sitting down.

"I will be leaving now - got a lot of paperwork to take care of. Stephen, if something happens, don't hesitate to give me a call," The two stared at each other for three seconds, before the principal turned and left the classroom.

There was a silence. George was shaking in his seat. Dream was conflicted. He had never met anyone with selective mutism. The teacher blinked and turned to the class.

"Right, well, let's start with today's lesson then," he muttered, still glancing at the door with a small smile on his face. Sapnap shot Dream a grimace and Dream laughed silently.

"We should talk to that George guy, he looks friendly enough," said Dream sarcastically, loud enough for several classmates to giggle. George heard it too and he turned around, "Hello, trying to interrupt the convo? Oh wait - you can't."

George started signing something in sign language rather aggressively, making Dream more confused that insulted. "I don't know know what you're saying," he muttered and George held up his index finger.

He paused before flipping him off. The brunette laughed silently, turning around and taking out his notebook from his bag. Dream sat there, fuming.

He realised that Bad was staring at him with a bit of a grin. "What?" he snapped defensively. Bad didn't say anything, he just smiled mysteriously. Dream groaned.

After forty painful minutes of maths and crying, Dream got up and was about to leave the class, however he was stopped by the brunette. Dream jumped.

Before he could ask him what he wanted, the boy handed him a torn piece of crumpled paper, gave him a small smile and walked out of the class with his bag slung around his shoulder.

Dream opened the piece of paper and out a quiet 'huh?'

Hey, sorry for calling you an ignorant swine earlier - oh wait you don't understand sign language! Silly me! Anywho, yeah you're an idiot but I don't want to be on bad terms with someone I just met so uh truce?

xoxo George


Dream suppressed a smile and stuffed the note into his pocket before Bad or Sapnap could read it.

"Getting love notes, are we?" Sapnap chuckled and Dream rolled his eyes. "What did the mute want from you?"

"Oh, nothing," Dream grinned, holding the note tightly in his pocket. "Nothing at all."

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