13. Retrouvaille

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Every day after school, Dream would visit George at the hospital.

Even though George never responded or never acknowledged his presence, that didn't stop Dream from spending two hours talking to him and telling him about his day.

He would end the conversation with telling him how much he loved him, then he'd leave. And even though Dream never knew, everytime he left, George would cry.

He would cry because of how much pain he put his family and friends through. Of how much worry Dream must has gone through. He hated the fact that Dream kept telling him how much he loved him if it wasn't true.

How could someone love him? After everything he's done. He nearly died and Dream has the audacity to say that he loves him.

It was a Friday afternoon and Dream was headed up to the third floor. He sat down next to George's bed and took out his chemistry paper.

"Hello, George," he spoke softly. George had his eyes closed shut, but was listening to every word he was saying, "Nothing really happened at school today."

"Sapnap, Bad and I played among us during the school breaks and I got imposter twice. Obviously had to get that sweet double kill, but then got caught because someone was looking over my shoulder,"

George smiled involuntarily. Although he didn't really care, he did enjoy Dream rambling about his day. It was better than staring at the ceiling, anyways.

"Well, we got chemistry homework and I gotta do it, also I have to go help my mum with things so I'll be headed home soon," he muttered, writing down the chemistry answers. George's smile twitched.

"I just want you to know that I love you."

George had enough of this. He opened one eye and stared at Dream until he noticed. Dream jumped when he saw George staring at him.

"O-Oh, hi," Dream stammered and George smiled weakly. Hey.

"So.. I see you tried to commit suicide and... well... I'm glad that you failed," Dream added nervously. George glanced at him sadly, before looking up at the ceiling. "I love you, George. Your family and friends do too."

No you don't. George signed, a frown forming on his face. You're just saying that.

"George," Dream said sternly, "If I didn't love you, I wouldn't have came every day and talked to no one. You're my friend, George."

George didn't respond. Dream sighed.

"Please.. tell me why you did it,"

George turned and raised his hands. I did it because I thought there was no hope left for me. There was a pause and George looked down. In reality there was so much to hope for.

I missed you. George signed sheepishly. Dream smiled. "I missed you too."

There was a silence. Then- "I know this is a bad time, with you being in the hospital and all but.... when you're all good.. would you want to.. er.. go out with me sometimes?"

George stared at him curiously. Dream facepalmed mentally. 'I'M SO STUPID WHY WOULD I ASK HIM OUT HOLY FUCK-'

Like friends? Dream noticed George and felt himself glowing a subtle shade of red. "Oh, I was thinking of it more like a... date."

George smiled slowly, his eyebrows furrowed. Out of all times, you ask me to go out with you now?

"Er.. I understand if you decline, it's just that I really like you. Like like," Dream admitted, making George blush a bit. George extended his hand and took Dream's. He held it for a while, before signing something.

Do you really mean it?

Dream grinned, "Yeah I do. I really like you, George."

George glanced up and gave him the sweetest smile, which made Dream melt a bit. There was a silence.

Fine, I'll go. George signed, making Dream sigh in relief. George looked tense. Dream stared at him for a bit, before tilting his head. But I really need to tell you something.

That's when George sat up, leaned towards Dream and grinned sheepishly. Dream's eyes widened a bit, a flustered grin plastered on his face.

George leaned closer to him. And then, a soft british voice chimed into his ear.

"Thank you for everything."

The End.

Love Language | DreamnotfoundTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon