Chapter 41: The Moon's Mark.

Start from the beginning

"Train me?" Confused, Willow asked.

"I-" said Axel. "I can?"

The Goddess nodded. "You can, since it's going to be impossible for Willow to manage it on her own."

"What do you have to train me for?"

"As you know, you're my granddaughter, so of course, I wouldn't leave my granddaughter powerless in that world, I'm shocked you didn't notice your power surfacing by now."

"My powers," Willow stared, wide eyed at the goddess.

"You have even used them unknowingly, that one time when you encountered Hunter and Triple, who are werewolves and have a keen sense of smell, hadn't noticed you until that faerie prince called you."

Then she remembered some things that seemed unusual, when she had been in the sports equipment room, she had then wished that miraculously she could remain unseen since she didn't want to talk with either of them.

"And did that also happen when I was kidnapped?"

The Goddess nodded.

Willow sighed, amazed at what she had found. She couldn't believe all this she was hearing.

"Oh my look at the time." The Goddess said.

Willow subconsciously looked at her watch, only to notice that she didn't have one. She looked around, to find that it was still dark around them, with the starts and the bright moon supplying light.

"We'll meet again," smiled Axel, sadly. "Soon."

"Can't I stay a little longer." Willow asked as she stood from her chair, wanting to spend a while with her father.

Axel shook his head. "It's too late, you'll have to leave now."

Willow nodded sadly, before she hugged her father. "I'll miss you, dad."

"I'll miss you too pumpkin."

Willow felt tears pool in her eyes at the familiar name. She stepped back as she sniffed. "I hope to see you soon."

Axel nodded.

Willow turned to the Goddess and hugged her as well. The Goddess stood stiffly, as if she had never done such a thing in her life. Willow felt her face heat up and was about to step back, the goddess held her as she slowly relaxed.

After a while Willow stepped back. "I hope to see you again," then Willow added, shyly. "Grandma."

"I hope to see you too, pumpkin." Said the Goddess, making Axel snicker in the back. The Goddess snapped her eyes towards Axel, and glared at him.

Willow grinned. "I'm glad."

"And as for you mate—" began the Goddess.

"My mate?" Willow's eyes widened. "Who is my mate?"

"I won't tell you." Smiled the Goddess. "But I can surely help you with finding him."

"Finding him?"

The Goddess nodded. "Your mate is going to have a little star on his collar bone.. The star is to match with your moon's mark."

"My moon's mark?" At this point Willow felt that she was turning into a parrot. She shut her mouth tightly so she wouldn't repeat saying whatever the Goddess says.

"Here." Said the Goddess, touching Willow on her collar bone. Willow scrunched her brows as she stared at the goddess.

The Goddess raised her hand, a hand mirror appearing in her palm, she handed the mirror to Willow. When Willow looked at the mirror, she was taken aback. She could see a mark forming on her collar bone, where the Goddess had previously touched. It was small, an inch long perhaps, and was in the shape of a crescent moon, it slowly darkened till it turned black in color.

"Woah." Willow blinked, surprised. "I have a tattoo now."

"This mark will help you to remain as yourself, even if you were to be marked, or infected.

"The bite of a werewolf, the blood of a vampire, the blessings of a faerie King and a spell of a witch is all it takes for a human to turn into either of the creature. But this mark would prevent you into turning into any of that, since you're a descendant of the Moon Gooddess, that is what you should remain."

Willow rubbed her mark subconsciously as she listened to the goddess.

"Oh my, I think it's time for you to leave now." Said the Goddess.

"Ah? Okay." Willow nodded. "Where's Lark though?"

"I sent him back." Axel reassured her. "Of course after giving him some pointers in life." Said Axel, looking pleased with himself.

Willow didn't have to be told what those 'pointers' were, because she had seen how furious her father had been when Lark bought her.

"Is it safe now?" Asked Axel.

"Willow's body has been healed."

Willow raised her brow. "Healed? I'm sure there was nothing wrong with my body."

"You were forced to drink the blood of Easton, he was the one behind you being kidnapped."

Willow frowned as she tried to recall who Easton was, but then she remembered that she had met Rowan's half brother, Easton, who seemed to hold a grudge against Rowan for being the heir to the throne. "Rowan's brother?" Willow gasped as she sat back in her seat.

"Yes." Said the Goddess.

"But why would he do that?"

"He made you drink his blood so that you would turn into a Vampire, with him as your master, he wanted to manipulate you, so that it would effect Rowan.

"Now look at the time, you shouldn't stay here for long. I think now is the correct time for you to go back." Said the Goddess abruptly.

"What?" Said Willow, but before she could say anything else, the goddess waved her hand and Willow shut her eyes reflexively, when everything around her started to brighten up.

Willow opened her eyes, when she felt the light dim, but to her shock, she was sitting no more, on the soft chair, with the starry night sky in the background. Instead, she was lying on a bed, with a few wires connected to her arm. Gone were the Goddess and her dad.

"What the—" Willow croaked out, her voice coming out raspy.

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