2: hot boys

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The bass was vibrating through Jimin's chest when the beat dropped. The glasses above him were rattling softly and the crowd on the dancefloor was grinding like it was one big body, a monster summoned and caught by the drums of the shaman. Hours of excited breathing were dripping from the ceiling of the basement, sparkling with the colors of the red and blue neon lights, and Jimin smiled satisfied.

"Channy's here and can take over now," a voice shouted into his ear and Jimin let go of the glass he had been cleaning just now. He nodded at Yoongi and left his place behind the bar. As much as he liked to help out behind the counter, he loathed the soap water for washing the glasses. It ruined his hands.

"Sorry," Chanyeol greeted him when he took his place and began to clean away the dirty glasses twice as fast as Jimin without even looking. "My wife's been sick since yesterday. And the baby, you know. I wanted-"

"It's fine," Jimin shouted back over the music and waved it off. Who was he to be mad at people who cared for their families and lovers? The big guy smiled at him gratefully and then turned towards Yoongi who was giving him orders for restocking the fridge and bar.

And once again Jimin was left to doing nothing but scanning the room for people in need of something and people who needed to be thrown out. But the night was at its peak, so there were no dead-drunk puking girls or guys whose confidence had been boosted by too much alcohol, just couples kissing in the shadows of booths. So, he could as well enjoy himself on the dancefloor and lose himself a little in the music like back in the old days.

Like a good old friend, the sweaty delusional mass welcomed him into its hot stomach, people grinding against him from every side, some feisty hands probing places they should not touch, and perfume clouding his senses. Like a devil's lair. It was perfect. The music lulled him into a trance and he just let go, following the movement of the hips behind him and the arms around his neck.

But it was only perfect until he saw a certain someone from the corner of his half-lidded eyes, and with a sigh he fought his way out of the crowd to find Wonho. The bumper was leaning on a table next to the stairs that led up to the exit, sipping on a coke, and was scanning the booths and bar with little interest. Only when he saw Jimin, his attention perked and he stood straight.

"What's wrong?" he asked without delay when he saw Jimin's displeased look.

"Call the cops. That little shithead is selling in my club again," Jimin growled and turned back to face said shithead.

Since the very first day of his club, Jimin had done everything to keep his books and his name clean, but last winter some stupid little gangster pawn thought he could sell his pills in Jimin's establishment, and just kicking him out like they had done in the beginning had not solved the problem. That little asshole was persistent like the plague. And even though Jimin had been concerned for a bigger underground guy coming to find trouble with him, he had called the police to get rid of that jerk once and for all, but, apparently, that scum was back.

"Hey, dick head!" he shouted at the booth where that little gangster was currently talking to some girls.

The guy turned his head and just grinned arrogantly. "What? I'm not selling," the asshat shouted.

"You've got a house ban. Did you forget?" Jimin asked back, holding back from punching that shit-eating grin out of the asshole's face.

"Uh, sorry, dude. It's been so long. My memory's shit," the guy said and almost convinced Jimin. He even got up to leave willingly, impressing the silver-haired with his amount of personal reflection.

That was until he saw the policemen, who walked over from the entrance guided by Wonho, and suddenly made a jump and leaped towards the restrooms.

"Fuck," Jimin whispered and ran after him. That idiot was either going to flush his pills or escape through the window. Either way it would only make it harder for Jimin to get rid of him in the end. And he wanted that asshole to burn.

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