"So how about we go out to dinner tonight" Sokka asked once they finished cleaning. They were both leaning against the counter. "What for?" Toph asked. 

"Well we haven't gone out in a while so why not" Toph smirked and gave him him a peck "Okay"  she responded. Sokka smiled and cupped her face to kiss her. At that moment Lin came back out to the kitchen "oogie!" She said sticking out her tongue in disgust. The couple laughed 

Later that day

Before dinner Sokka and Toph dropped of Lin at air temple island with Aang and Katara. Aang took Sokka aside far enough where they hopped Toph wouldn't sense them. He handed him a small emerald velvet pouch with the betrothal necklace inside. Sokka opened the pouch to make sure the necklace was in side. This was when everything started to feel like reality. He started to get nervous and Aang noticed.

"Hey it's going to be okay. I was nervous when i asked Katara. She's going to say yes" Aang assured him

"How do you know that?"

"Because, i see how she is around you" He put his hand on his brother in-law's shoulder, " I swear everytime your around her at work it's like she's on clouds. She blushes every time you hug her from behind.  Even though she knows it's coming! She smiles uncontrollably and Toph isn't like that. Your a father figure to her daughter and she admires that about you." Aang listed "I'm sure in the future you will have a daughter of your own with her" Aang assured him with a warm smile. Sokka took in his words. He never thought of all he's said, until now. He felt special and lucky to be apart of her life.

"Thanks Aang... that means a lot!" They hugged and went back to where the girls were. Before the couple left Aang gave Sokka a pat on the shoulder for good luck. Toph noticed it, but didn't put much thought into it.

They had dinner and after, Sokka took Toph to the beach. He said it was a full moon and thought it would be nice to see the view of the moon at the beach. Of course it only mattered to Sokka since he's the only one who could see, But Toph didn't mind. 

They sat down not so far from the water, and was also next to a rock. They leaned against the rock and Toph laid her head on his shoulders interlocking their hands. Sokka inhaled in the fresh breeze, before turning to kiss Toph on her head. 

"Hey what if we stepped in the water" Toph moved her head to face him with a confused look on her face. "Just our feet of course" He stated, Toph was going to protest but something was telling her to do so. "mmk lets go" Toph replied, Sokka got excited. They stood up, and rolled up their pants so they don't get wet. Sokka held her hand. Together walked into the water. 

It was cold at first but they adjusted to the temperature. Sokka cupped her face, kissing her softly. Toph was enjoying the moment. She felt the usual butterflies she gets every time he kisses her. She knew the moon was shining bright on them even before Sokka mentioned it. She didn't want the night to end. Sokka pulled back from the kiss and their foreheads met. Taking in their last moments as possibly boyfriend and girlfriend. 

"Okay sokka you can do this"  He told himself. "I have something for you", Letting go of her soft hands. He reach in his pocket and pulled out the velvet pouch, and handed it to Toph. Toph could feel his heart speed up through the sand. Before opening the pouch she gently felt for what could be inside. Not wanting to break or ruin what could be inside. She felt fabric and a rock with what could be carved. "Could it be!" She asked herself. She could feel herself get excited for what could be inside. She open the the pouch and slowly took out the necklace. She placed the necklace on her palm and touched the rock. 


"A betrothal necklace" He cut her off , "Toph" He took her small hands in his, "Will you marry me?" He asks nervously. Toph looked up and smiled "Of course i will meathead" Sokka let out a breath of relief. He let go of her hands and they cupped each other's face, kissing each other passionately. They seperate and Toph hands him the necklace for him to put on her. She turns around and Sokka wraps the necklace around her. The rock settling on the notch of her neck. Toph moves her hand to feel the carving on the rock. 

In the distance you could hear a "woohoo!", Sokka turns around to the direction of the sound, to see Aang and Katara on appa, in the sky, looking down at them. 

"What was that?" Toph asked

"It's Aang and Katara, their on appa looking down at us" He replied. Aang and Katara landed on the beach and ran over to the now engaged couple. 

"Congrats guy's" Katara said running up to her soon to be sister in-law, "We're going to be sisters in-law!" Katara said hugging Toph. Toph hugged her back and could feel some tears threatening to escape her eyes. She quickly blinked them away. 

*Meanwhile in Aang and Sokka's hug*

"I told you she'd say yes" Aang said in the hug. Sokka laughed and they seperated from the hug. 

After they went back to the island to celebrate with some wine. They stayed there for an hour before leaving to go back home. Lin stayed with Aang and Katara, Because they wanted to give the newly engaged couple, a night alone.

When they reached the doorsteps. Toph opened the door and then yelped when Sokka picked her up, bridal style, by surprise. They smirked at each other, and Sokka walked them through the door. He shut it closed with his foot and walked them to their bedroom. He set her down on the bed and made out with her.

After being in each other's hot embrace for almost an hour

 They cuddled together in bed, enjoying each other's presence. Toph listened to Sokka's heartbeat while he petted her hair. After awhile Toph moved her head to face her fiancé and said "I love you Snoozles" Sokka smiled. He still couldn't believe he was going to marry his best friend in a couple months. It all felt like a dream to him. "I love you to, blind bandit" Toph chuckled. She moved up and planted a kiss on his lips. 

they fell asleep each other's embrace


A/U  So im gonna make a better version of this because i don't like this very much

I have no idea if they even have bacon in the avatar world so like bare w/ me

I  also didn't bother reading through this before posting it so yeah..

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