I wasn't too sure if I should feel relieved or worried. I was apart of something- I wasn't the odd one out between me, Jeremy and Elena. But was it a good thing to be apart of in the first place?

"You know what this means?" He asks, snapping me from my thoughts.

"What does it mean?"

"You're a powerful ass witch from an ancient bloodline- thats what this means. I knew there was something about you-"

"We don't know that- the curse."

"You need to fall in love." He says making my eyes flicker to the ground for a moment. As if falling in love was something you could do on command- if I could even do it for that matter. But his name was the first thing that crossed my mind despite my attempts at trying to resist the idea of him at all- especially after all he had to say.

"What I need is to go home." I say, wanting this conversation to end before my mind wandered any further. I wanted time to think for myself before everything got even crazier.

"What do you think about taking out the bike again? You liked it last time." I raise an eyebrow at the man.

"You wanna spend time together again? You act like you hate me whenever I see you. This little adventure doesn't suffice as an apology." I say, going to turn towards his car. Again my arm is grabbed and I'm spun back around.

"It will get your mind off things, and I'm pretty sure theres a lot- considering you walked in your house crying in the middle of the night." He says, making me narrow my eyes.

"You left me in a cellar with twelve hybrids who wanted me dead. I think I'll walk myself home."
I say, shooting him a glare before turning and finally leaving the vampire standing alone.



We both stare at each other dumbfounded. My eyes flicker from the bloodied stake in her hand and the open gash near her chest. She stood at the very bottom of the stairs- as if she had just stumbled down them. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

My eyes snap to the kitchen where I hear a scream. We both look to each other before rushing into the kitchen where Jeremy had been strapped down to the table. Above him a familiar figure stood, clutching a meat clever.

Kol Mikaelson? When the hell did Kol Mikaelson get back to town and why was he about to chop off my brother's arm?

Elena attacks Kol from behind just as he slams down the cleaver- luckily missing my brother and only freeing him of the restraints. I watch with wide eyes- and with a very confused expression.

I step back as Jeremy begins spraying the vampire with what seemed to be vervain water- his loud cries filled the air. I see Elena toss him something- the white oak stake.

Just as it processes in my mind what's going on- the stake is driven through Kol's heart he lets out an ear piercing scream as he staggers through the kitchen. Dark veins begins spreading across his body and his skin started turning a sickly grey color.

He drops the floor, combusting into flames. I stand beside my siblings, looking at the body of the original in shock.

"What did you do?" His deep voice rings through the dead silence- frightening me the smallest amount. We all snap our eyes up to the man who had been standing in the door way with a look that assured me he was infuriated. Klaus's eyes flickered to the body of his brother.

"Tell me you got the deed changed." I speak, under my breath towards my sister. If they didn't they would surely be dead in a few minutes- even if they kinda fucked up this time.

"We did." Jeremy says before Elena speaks.

"We didn't have a choice. He was trying to cut off Jeremy's arm!" Elena shouts in her defense.

"Lies! He never would've gotten inside if you hadn't have set a trap for him." His eyes flicker to me.

"You played a hand in this?" I open my mouth to say no- but I'm quickly cut off by Elena.

I may be pretty scared right now but I felt my heart break for him. I see his eyes water just a bit.

"You said you were going to put him down too."

"I was going to make him suffer on my terms!" He shouts, obviously very furious now. "I'm going to burn this house to the ground. And then, when you try to flee for your lives, I'll kill without blinking."

"You kill us, you'll never get to the cure. You'll never be able to make any more hybrids. Scarlett would never forgive you." Elena speaks. I look at her in shock. Using me as means to not be killed.

"You really think I care for an instant about my bloody hybrids? About your sister? I want the cure so I can destoy it. I would've killed you all the second we dug it up, but now I'm just gonna watch you burn instead-" His sentence is cut short as he falls to his knees, crying out in pain. His words ring through my ears like a song on repeat, and I feel my chest sink. Bonnie walks past the hybrid and into the house.

"Invite him in." Elena and Jeremy look to her in confusion. I don't remove my eyes from him as I tried to process the mix of emotions hitting me all at once.

"Do it!" Bonnie demands, just as Klaus begins struggling to stand. I watch as the events unravel around me but get swept up into my thoughts. It felt as if all my emotions came rushing at me like a truck.

"Come in." Jeremy says, Bonnie pulls Klaus inside.

"Living room. Go!" Jeremy grabs my arm, forcing me to run through the living room to the kitchen along with him, Elena and Bonnie. Klaus follows closely behind but is stopped by an invisible barrier. Once he realizes he can't enter the kitchen where we were he bangs his fist onto the barrier, his rage had certainly taken over by now. Jeremy removes the stake from Kol. He goes to exit the house. Bonnie stands besides me, watching him.

"Witch, you can't do this to me."

"You have no idea what I can do now." She bites back.

"Scarlett." His voice softens as he looks to me pleadingly. I only give him a blank stare, feeling as if I wanted to be swallowed by a black hole right about now.

"Let's go." Jeremy speaks towards me, as Bonnie and Elena began exiting the house. I give the man one last look before turning to leave with him.

"Scarlett!" I hear his voice raise as he bangs on the barrier once again. I look back for only a second but in the end ignore him.

"I will hunt all of you to your end! Do you hear me? Do you!?"


Next chapt is da last one😢 but theres gonna be a book 2 ;) I showed some really cool people this chapt before uploading it for feedback bc they were the first to dm me! So thank you for that!! Thanks for the support guys!

What do ya wanna see in the final chapter?

What do you wanna see in the next book?

What do you think about Scarlett's backstory? (Don't worry if you haven't gotten all the details yet- we will dive deeper into what Scarlett can do once she actually has access to her power *if* she ever does)

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