How You Started Dating

Start from the beginning

As the night progressed, you started to see Regina's mask slowly slip off. You saw her raw, real version of her. The funny, adorable, and...kind...side of her. It was honestly the most gorgeous thing to see. That's when Regina noticed your staring.

"What?" She asked raising an eyebrow. You suddenly realized how intensely you had been glaring into her soul.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to—ugh...sorry."

Regina eyed you as you started getting flustered. "Hey...can I tell you something..." she asked so almost missed it. When you nodded, she sighed as if to calm her nerves. "When I first met you at the mall...I really liked you. Like...a (boy/girl)friend type of way. I guess. Maybe I invited you over know, see if those feelings are actually as strong as I thought they were....and they definitely are. Even more so now...being alone with you—"

"Regina." You cut her off. Regina looked visibly nervous.


"I like you too..."

You slumped over the shopping cart bored. You promised you'd go shopping with Gretchen so she could get a present for Regina's birthday. Normally you loved spending time with Gretchen but not while Regina was involved at all.....which ninety percent of the time...she was. Plus, you've been in the mall for hours and Gretchen just can't decide what to get.

Everything you've seen in this store looked just fine but according to Gretchen...those things weren't expensive enough. "Gretch, she's not gonna know how much you paid for it. Just..take the price tag off. what universe is 30 dollars not expensive enough? My friends and I still go shopping for each other at Dollar tree! And even then...paying 5 dollars for an adult coloring book? That's crazy expensive!" You ranting watching Gretchen pick up the same 90 dollar dress she had at least twenty times already.

"(Y/N), do you think 90 is good? Or should I get this dress for 120?"

"120 for a dress?! W-Why?! Why would you ever?!" You gasped looking over the dresses again. "I think 90 is why to high but better than 120."

Gretchen sighed looking between the two. For you, the  choice was clear. "Hey look, you don't need to break your bank for her. It's nice that you are even getting her anything at all!"

"But, she'll get mad at me if—"

"So? Gretchen, look at me!" You exclaimed taking the dresses from her so she had no choice but to make eye contact. "You aren't on this earth to please Regina. You are beautiful, kind, amazing, and just so happen to be my crush!" You instantly shoved a hand over your mouth. You couldn't believe you just said that. Though, maybe it's what she needed to hear to believe you.

"Y-You—really? like me?"

"Yes! Yes, I do, Gretchen! Please...please start respecting yourself a little more!"

Gretchen stood back with wide eyes, then glanced back down to the dresses in your hands. With a shaky hand she reached for the 90 dollar one. "We'll get this one."

A small smile appeared on your face. 90 dollars was still an absurd price...but it was a step in the right direction.

You were laying on your bed staring up at the ceiling. Life had been so boring recently. All you did was wake up and go to school and then come home. You were stuck in a rut. You had considered going to bed early just for the sheer fact you were bored. Just as you were about to get dressed into pajamas your phone started lighting up with a text. It was from Karen. And they were just emojis.

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