Your First Pet You Own As A Couple

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🦁Cady🦁: Cady came over one night holding a small furry bundle in her arms. Her excited eyes met yours as she explained. She had been taking some time to relax outside that night—during one of her late night nature walks—when she came across a small tabby kitten alone in the grass. You two decided to adopt the kitten as his parents. You two had many different names for him—Waffles, Apollo, Tucker, Garfield....however, you let Cady have the final say on his name. Due to just watching The Lion King—she choose Simba.

🎨Janis🎨: Janis had been talking to you about getting a pet for a while now. She kept saying it would be a perfect first commitment for you two as a couple. After finally giving in, you asked what type of pet she wanted. Her response was...intense to say the least. She wanted a reptile. She thought they were cool, and had her whole life. After much talk and consideration, you both returned home with a chameleon Janis dubbed Antonio. For the first night, Janis didn't set him down. She let him crawl on her hand and arm for hours watching him in total fascination.

🎤Damian🎤: A bunny. That's all Damian wanted to even consider getting. A bunny. Every time you two would see one, he would break into a long presentation about how you two should get one, using how adorable they were as the prime reason. Their ears, their fluffy tails, how fuzzy they were in general. His mind was made up, so it really shouldn't have been surprising when he appeared on your front doorstep holding a white bunny he named Sparkle. He claimed he chose that name because of how her eyes sparkled when he picked her up for the first time....whether that was true...wasn't important.

🎀Regina🎀: When you first brought the idea of getting a pet up to Regina, she was in full agreement. Thinking you meant a cat, dog, or possibly a rabbit. However, when you pulled a picture of a snake up on your phone she was...less than happy about it. What changed her mind was when you started talking about how cool it would be to get a pet tarantula. She immediately opted to get the snake over the spider. When you brought your milk snake over for Regina to meet—she was actually really amazed by how beautiful he was. It would take her a while to feel comfortable enough to hold him...but at least she was...starting to like him. Plus, she liked his name—Silas.

🛍Gretchen🛍: Gretchen was a little nervous about getting a pet that wasn't a typical dog or cat. But when you explained how these two ferrets had been through so much—she immediately agreed to at least help where she could with them. They were older—a male and female named Bonnie and Clyde. Within the first week of having them, Gretch was IN LOVE. She would literally read to them before was honestly adorable to see her so excited about something. Plus, both of the ferrets seemed to really like her.

🐭Karen🐭: It started off as a joke. Or—possibly a happy birthday surprise for Karen. You had brought her to a local pet store to look at their collection of Mice. You laughed as she went from cage to cage cooing over the assortment of furry rodents. You never for one second thought you'd be walking out of there with two mice of your own. Two females. You named one Mashmellow, and Karen named the other Squeakers.

✏️Aaron✏️: Aaron called you one night with exciting news. His father had gifted him a puppy. Wanting you to be apart of it—if you wished too—Aaron asked for name suggestions and if you wanted to meet him. You rushed over to Aaron's house that night to find the small bundle curled in your boyfriend's arms. He was a beagle puppy—which immediately made you want to name him Snoopy. Right before you were about to tell Aaron your incredibly original name suggestion—he lit up with the same idea.

📐Kevin: On a day trip to a beach, Kevin and you spotted a snapping turtle in the water. This immediately got you gushing about wanting to get a pet—which Kevin was onboard for. But he was only onboard if you got a turtle. —not a snapping one though...he didn't want to lose his finger to one—which was understandable. So you went to get your own non-snapping turtle which Kevin almost instantly wanted to name James Pond. It made you laugh now owned a turtle named James Pond.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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